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Dedicated to @minecrafthungergames

I jump up and start to get ready for the day. On my way to the bathroom, I run into Draco. I don't say anything, I just get into the bathroom before him then shut the door. I hurry and turn the water on so I can take a fast shower. I let the cold water run over my body, making me shiver. I get out and dry off. I quickly put my clothes on and brush my hair. Today Im going to braid it. I don't know why but I wanted to so I'm going to. I braid my hair and make sure it stays before rushing out. It's starting to become spring. The students today are very exuberant. I get to the Great Hall quickly, not wanting to even see Draco on my way there. I find a seat next to Harry and I sit down. The food appears so I grab some and start to eat. I eat a lot considering I didn't get dinner last night. Somebody taps on my shoulder.

"Hermione?" I turn around, almost jumping. Margaret is standing behind me.

"Yes, Margaret?" I asks quietly.

"I thought you looked upset so I wanted to ask what was wrong." Did I really let my emotions show enough that an eleven year old can guess how I feel.

"Some weird things have been happening lately." I whisper to her. "But don't tell anybody. That's our secret!" Margaret seems to brighten up a little.

"Tell me more maybe?" She asks sweetly.

"Yes, but now isn't the time." I say. She nods. She starts to walk away towards her first year friends. Harry elbows me. "What?"

"I think she fancies you." He says with a grin. He quickly puts a serious expression on his face. "But however. What's wrong? You said there was something. You should tell me Hermione, you know you can trust me." He says seriously.
I take a deep breath then nod, closing my eyes.

"Okay. Weird things have been happening. First, Ron starts acting weird. Next, Draco just ditched me during our date in Hogsmeade and in a way called me a mudblood. Finally, there were people at George's shop and a man but George told us a man fitting our description didn't work there and nobody had been in there all day except for Ginny, him, and I." I explain.

"You sure these weren't dreams or something?" He asks.

"Yes I'm 100% sure." His face lights up with shock.

"Wait.. You're going with Draco?!" I laugh. He's funny when he's shocked.

"Well sort of."I admit.

"I don't think you should. You know how much trouble he's gotten us in to!"

"He's changed Harry."

"Well by what happened in Hogsmeade I don't think he has." He says coldly.

"Why is everybody so against him!" I demand angrily as I storm out. Great first I'm in a fight with Ron and now it's Harry. What is happening in my life? I decide to find some books on weird behavior in the library. I walk there quickly, excited by what I might find. I've always loved the library. I love the smell of books, the books, the quiet and so much more. I walk into the library. I start to walk by all the rows before using a spell to find some. I start to read one. One thing that explains the behavior is pollyjuice potion which is a good possibility. The other books suggest that too. If somebody is pretending to be Ron, then where is the real Ron?
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Written: February 20th, 2015

-Awkward Potato

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