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Thanks for being patient with me!

"Draco I think it's time that we tell everyone about us." I state. "It's time that people knew. We shouldn't have to keep hiding!" Draco looks down at his feet then looks into my eyes.

"But Mione, they'll kill me if they find out!" He whines. I glare at him.

"Well then they'll just have to get through me first!" I exclaim. Draco smiles and I do too. We both laugh. "When do we tell everyone? I think the sooner the better. How about at dinner?" I ask. He's nods.

"But no speeches. I'm terrible at writing them." I laugh and nod my head. I'm glad people are going to know. They deserve to. I'm not going to keep it bottled up inside me anymore. I love Draco, and if there's something wrong with that, then there must be something wrong with the world. I quickly leave my dorm and head to my classes. I can't focus. I'm too excited about the announcement.

"Professor Flitwick, can I go talk to Professor McGonagall?" I say excitedly.

"Is it urgent?" He questions.

"Yes. I suppose it is." I keep my face straight. He sighs.

"Okay, run along, quickly now!" He says. I stand up and run out of the room. I walk the rest of the way to McGonagall's office. It's not very far. I say the password and run inside.

"Hermione! What brings you here? Don't you have classes?" She asks, sounding a little worried.

"It's okay Flitwick excused me." I giggle a little bit. "Anyway, may I make an announcement at dinner? Draco and I are dating and I want to announce it. People deserve to know." She beams at me.

"Of course Hermione! This is so exciting!" She says happily. I laugh.

"Thanks so much, I must get back to class now! Bye Professor!" I run out the door smiling. This day couldn't go better. The classes pass by fast and suddenly I'm in the great hall. I spot Draco at the Slytherin table and I grin at him. He grins back.

"We have something that Miss Granger and Mister Malfoy want to say, so please give them your attention." McGonagall states. She then steps down from the owl podium. I stand up and walk up to the podium. Draco follows me and stands next to me.

"Hello, I'm Hermione and this is Draco. I have something important to say. Draco and I... Are well... We're dating. If you don't like it, you can deal with it." I say. Draco nods. I grab his hand and I walk to the Gryffindor table. Draco follows and sits next to me. I hear roars of outrage coming from the Slytherin table. Other tables are cheering and smiling. I look at Draco.

"We did it. No more hiding." I say to Draco. He half smiles at me, looking nervous. "It's going to be okay. I promise." I tell him assuringly. We get up and he leads me back to the common room. Ron stops us when we are right in front of the door to our dorm.
Hope you like it!

-night hawk

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