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I glance over at Draco during potions. "I still can't tell what's up with Ron. He's been acting weird lately. He hasn't been talking to anybody and he's been spending all of his time in the Gryffindor common room drawing and reading. Ron has never liked reading or any of the things that I like to do." I tell Draco. He nods slowly, closing his eyes while contemplating what I just told him. Gosh he cute when he does that. I smile.

"What? What are you smiling at?" He says confused. I let out a laugh.

"Nothing." I blush ad he just smiled at me. Why didn't I never notice how nice and wonderful he was? Well he did hate me for a long time.

"Uh Mione?" I look at him. He's blushing.


"I.. Uh.. I want to know if you would like to go to Hogsmeade with me tonight?" He says nervously as he stutters. I laugh. "Does that mean no?"


"Wait, so that's a yes?"

"Yes what?"

"Yes to going to Hogsmeade with me tonight." I laugh again. This time he doesn't stutter.

"Yes I'll go with you!" I say excitedly. We both laugh. He's adorable when he laughs. Hermione! Stop! You need to focus on your studies! We get out of potions which is our last class of the day. I quickly head towards the common room. I quickly answer the riddle to get into my dorm. The password changes everyday but most of the time it's a riddle. Draco walks into the room after a couple minutes. I quickly run into my room and put some makeup on. I don't put on much, just some eyeliner and mascara. I walk out as Draco is standing there waiting for me.

"Shall we?" He asks sophisticatedly. I grin and let out a small laugh. He holds out his arm for me.

"We shall!" I declare as I take his arm. We walk through the halls and finally get outside and start the walk to Hogsmeade. A thin layer of snow is on the ground and it is lightly snowing. "Come on Draco! Lets go!" I shout excitedly as I start to run. I grab a handful snow to make a snowball. I quickly throw it and it hits him right in the chest.

"That's now fair! I didn't know you were going to do that!" He whines. I laugh.

"That's how it works!" We throw snowballs at each other until we reach Hogsmeade. We go to the Three Broomsticks so get some butterbeer. We order some then sit at a small table near the back if the room. It's nice and warm in the room. Our butterbeer is brought to us so we both take slow sips, enjoying the flavor.

"Draco! Wait. What are you doing with the mudblood?'" Goyle demands as he looks at me with a look of disgust. Draco quickly stands up.

"I uh.. Nothing." He says quickly.

"Are you sure? It looks like you two are on a little date." Crabbe says, sounding amused.

"No! Thats not what's happening! I was sitting down and then she came over here and sat next to me. I was just going to leave." He says rudely giving me a look of disgust. My cheeks heat up and tears start to build up in my eyes.

"Well what are you waiting for? Come on! Lets get away from the mudblood." Crabbe and Goyle sneer at me as they walk out the door. Sadly, Draco follows them out. Tears start to run down my cheeks. I wipe them away as soon as they appear. I finish my butterbeer and leave. I run back to Hogwarts. I suddenly bump into Hagrid.

"Well 'ello Mione! How are you today?" I look up at him and he frowns. "What happened to yer?" He says sympathetically.

"Nothing. I'll explain later." I run off. Before I realize it, I'm at the doors to Hogwarts. I walk into the giant castle an walk straight to my dorm. I run inside and quickly go to my room and lock the door. I start to cry even more now. Why did he do that? I thought we actually had something... I hear Draco run in after about an hour.

"Mione? Are you okay?" He asks through my door.

"Get away Draco! I never want to talk to you again!" I scream at him while crying.

Some tension in between Hermione and Draco going on!
I wanted to post this earlier but I decided to wait until my previous chapter got more views! :)

Thanks for reading!


Written: January 29th, 2015

-Awkward Potato

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