The Mudblood

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10 votes on this chapter for a Draco POV later in the story!!!

I slowly wake up. I find Draco lying next to me. I guess we fell asleep last night when we were sitting together. I smile as I look at him. He's adorable when he's sleeping. I check the clock and it says 7:14 am.

"Draco, wake up!" I yell. He jolts up.

"Huh? What? What's happening?!" His says surprised. I start to giggle.

"Time to get ready." We sit and laugh for a bit before we decide to actually get up and do something. I go to the bathroom and get into the shower. I turn it on and wash my hair. I get out of the shower after about twenty minutes. I wrap the red and gold towel around my body then run to my room. I look at Draco and he bites his lip and winks at me. I laugh. Draco. Ever the flirt. I will admit it's adorable when he bites his lip. I comb my hair and put my robes on. I sit on my bed and replay yesterday's events. Ron sticks in my head. I need to find out who's pretending to be him. Ginny needs to know so she can help and he's he'd brother so she has the right to know. I decide to skip breakfast and go to the Gryffindor common room to spy on Ron. I know it sounds rude but believe me, it's for the best. I quickly tell Draco that I'm going out. Once out of my common room, I run up to the entrance to the Gryffindor common room.

"Password?" The Fat Lady asks.

"Ridiculous." I exclaim. I run into the common room and accidentally bump into Harry.

"Hermione! I was just about to go looking for you. Ginny told me about Ron..." He clears his throat. He reaches behind his back and pulls out the familiar shimmery fabric. "Use my invisibility cloak. Follow him and figure out who is pretending to be Ron." He says sounding a little worried. I nod.

"I won't let you down Harry." I say. I grab the silky cloak and slip it over myself, becoming invisible. I rush up the stairs to the boys sleeping quarters but first I use a spell to reduce the noise I make to a minimum. As I slip through the door, I see Ron standing by the one of the windows. He's the only one in the room and the more I look at him and the closer I get, the less he looks like himself. I decide that it's not Ron. The hair is too light and the figure is too tall and skinny. I walk a little closer.

"Don't you think I knew you were here, Hermione. Take of the stupid cloak you ignorant little mudblood." The figure growls. The man slowly turns around, and I can see who it is. It is Malfoy. Lucius Malfoy to be precise. "Don't act so surprised. I'm just here to finish what was started.

"Your... Your hair. It's short and light red. It looks pathetic." I snarl back. Wow nice one Hermione. I say to myself sarcastically.

"But it worked didn't it? You came in here and I looked enough like Ron so you could get closer." He scowls.

"That's dumb. I knew you weren't Ron. Now leave." I yell.

"But you see, I came here for you and the boy. You two were always on the list of people to kill. You and your mudblood ways and stupid Potter." He spits the words out like they are venom. "I already took care of Ron. Now it's just you two left. You both were always a nuisance to the Dark Lord and now you must pay for it."
How was it? Like it or not?
I thought this was a good place to end the chapter!
Hope it's not too short!
Written: April 3rd, 2015

-Awkward Potato

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