Back Again

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Credits to J.K. Rowling. I do not own anything! Please ignore grammar mistakes! Thanks! Enjoy!

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I jump up and squeal with excitement. Today isn't just any day, it's a special day. Today I go back to Hogwarts to finish my seventh year. I didn't get to finish it last year because we were so busy hunting Horcruxes. I grin at the thought of the place. That's where I fit in, where I belong. I throw on a grey shirt that ties in the front and a pair of jeans. I grab my trunk and run downstairs.

"Mum! Lets go!" I yell excitedly.

"Okay honey, in a minute!" I smile. I run out the front door and throw my trunk it the back of our light blue Prius. I sit in the front until mum gets in.

"You got everything?" She asks. I think for a minute.

"I forgot something. I'll be right back." I run into my room and grab a little package I received this summer from Hogwarts that I haven't opened yet. I dash back to the car and jump in. We drive to Kings Cross Station quickly. I hop out of the car as soon as I get there and I grab my trunk out of the back.

"Well do I get a hug?" Mum asks jokingly. I throw my stuff on the ground then I run and give her a hug.

"I'm going to miss you mum." I say, my voice wavering. "Goodbye." I say.

"Goodbye Mione." Mum replies. I grab my trunk and walk towards the entrance. I can see the tears in her eyes as she waves to me as I look back. I wave again then rush inside. Soon enough I disappear into the crowds. I find the familiar brick column between platforms 9 and 10. I smile to see other wizard families bustling around. I feel a slight tap and my shoulder and I turn around. Right behind me is a girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She looks to be about eleven. Probably a first year.

"Can I help you?" I say kindly.

"Um do you know where Platform 9 3/4 is?" She asks with a nervous squeak. I grin.

"I do. Just run at this column here and you will arrive at Platform 9 3/4." She nods with a nervous expression. Clearly she thinks that there is no way that she can run at the column and magically be at platform 9 3/4.

"It's easy. Want me to go with you?" She nods quickly and I take her hand. I put our trunks in front of us.

"Okay. Push your trunk I front of you when you run." She nods.

"Okay on the count of three." I take her hand. "One... Two... Three!" we run at the column while pushing our trunks and suddenly we are in a completely different place with the Hogwarts Express right in front of us. I grin.

"Thank you!" She says smiling ear to ear. She immediately looks for people her age.

"Do you want to sit with me?"

"Yeah!" She replies excitedly.

"Okay just follow me." A couple boys help us in and help us take our trunks to an empty compartment. The girl sits down next to me.

"What's your name?" I ask suddenly.

"Margaret" She says shyly.

"You nervous?"

"A little."

"Don't be. I will help you out if you ever need it." Margaret smiles.

"Still got room for us?" I look and its Harry, Ron, and Ginny.

"Guys! I've missed you so much!" I say as I run and give each of them a hug. I've Ron a quick kiss on the cheek. Ron blushes.

"I want you guys to meet somebody." I point to Margaret. "This is Margaret and she's a first year."

"Hello Margaret. I'm Ron."

"Hi! I'm Ginny!"

"Nice to meet you Margaret. In Harry." Harry shakes Margaret's hand and she turns beet red. I laugh and sit back down in my seat. Margaret sits I between me and Ginny and Harry and Rom sit across from us. We start telling Margaret funny stories and in turn, she tells us some of hers. We chat until it's time to change into our robes.

-----------------------------------------First chapter! How do you like it?

Please leave a vote if you love Harry Potter! I'm going to try and put a date on every chapter!

Written: October 10th, 2014



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