Where Is She?

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Draco POV

Hermione. She's occupied my thoughts all day. It's lunch now, and she's nowhere to be found. I looked everywhere for her. I even asked a bunch of people if they had seen her, but nobody has. I spot Harry and Ginny at the Gryffindor table. I jump up and run over there. I haven't had the chance to talk to them about Hermione yet.

"Harry! Have you seen Hermione yet today?" I ask. Harry and Ginny both look at each other. The color drains from my face. "You haven't seen her, have you." I state, my voice wavering. Ginny looks up at me.

"I'm so sorry Draco, but we haven't seen her... Nor have we seen Ron yet today." She says sadly. I suddenly feel like I'm going to be sick. I nod sharply and walk briskly out of the Great Hall, and towards our common room. I get in quickly, quicker than I ever have. She must have run off with Ron. It's not like her, but she must have. I refuse to accept any other explanation. I thought she loved me, but I guess not. I sit on the couch with my head in my hands. Something is definitely wrong here. I know Hermione. She was over Ron. If she was over Ron, why would she run away with him? Unless he took her captive or something. I jump up and run out the door. I have to tell Harry and Ginny. They can help me look for her. I run to the Great Hall. There are only about twenty students left eating and milling around. Luckily, they are still there.

"Ginny, Harry, we have to look for Hermione. It doesn't make sense that she's gone." I explain.

"Draco, I have to tell you something. Somebody was pretending to be Ron. Hermione didn't know who it was. I'm assuming she went to find out. Something must have happened..." Ginny confesses. "I'm sorry I never told you. I think Hermione didn't want you to worry." I felt relief seep through my entire body. She didn't run off with Ron. I knew she was better than that.

"Thanks for telling me. Where do we look for Hermione at? Where would she be? She could be in danger." I quickly state.

"Draco don't worry. Hermione can find her way back. If we go looking for her and get tangled up in some sort of mess, we are of no use to her. We can't help her if that happens." Harry says calmly. Anger wells up inside me. I clench my fists and I can feel my face heat up. Ginny stands up and grabs my shoulders.

"Draco. Stop. Harry is right. I promise she will be back soon." She demands. I take a deep breath and unclench my fists. These guys are my friends now and I need to keep them.

"Right. I-I'll just leave now." I back out of the Great Hall. I grin slightly as I plop in the floor in the hall outside of the Great Hall. Hermione didn't cheat on me. I should have never doubted her. Although she didn't cheat which I'm happy about, she could still be in some sort of danger. The grin disappears of my face. I'm going crazy without her and it's only been half a day. I need her back where she belongs, next to me.

"Hermione, stay safe. I love you so bloody much." I whisper to myself. It seems to echo through the halls. I don't care who knows about us. Even if I'm beat up for it if I'm with her, I will be happy.
Sorry it took so long! I was debating wether or not to write a Draco POV.
Written: May 9th, 2015

-Awkward Potato

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