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Hermione's POV

I don't know why I keep agreeing to skip school to go on some short trip to Hogsmeade. Probably because it includes my two favorite things; Draco, and butter beer. Draco and I seem to be getting more serious lately. It's been at least a month since Ron knocked him out, and we haven't had any fights with him since, which is great because I missed him as a friend and it's good to have him back. They're actually friends now, which is surprising.

As I'm getting dressed, Draco sneaks into my room. He's shirtless, and I have just my pants and bra on.

"Draco! Knock next time!" I exclaim, grabbing a t-shirt and quickly putting it on. He pulls me in and kisses me on the forehead as he hugs me. I smile, he's easily the best boyfriend ever.

"Ready for our date?" He whispers in my ear. I nod excitedly. I whip around and kiss him quickly on the cheek, then giggling, I push him out of my room so I can finish getting dressed. I'm wearing my maroon sweater, a pair of dark blue jeans, and my usual shoes. I leave my cozy room and meet him in the common room, the fire is crackling and he's standing my the door, tapping his foot, as if I took forever.

"Come on. Let's go!" He says excitedly. I giggle and follow him out of our dormitory. I take his hands and he apparates us to Hogsmeade. I close my eyes until I feel my feet firmly on the grass. I open my eyes and Draco suddenly kisses me. "I love you Hermione. Don't forget that." Draco says while looking into my eyes. He really is sweet and has the prettiest eyes I've seen. I look around and notice we aren't in Hogsmeade. We're outside of the castle, facing the side of Hagrid's hut. I giggle.

"I remember the last time I was here! Last time I was here you said something to my friends and I punched you!" I exclaim. I laugh, and Draco joins in.

"That hurt! You were stronger than you thought! I had quite the bruise." Draco says while laughing. We smile at each other. "Stay here, turn around, and close your eyes. I'll be right back." I hear him apparate away. I bite my lip, excited with what he might come back with. After at least ten minutes, I open my eyes. I turn around and Draco is behind me.

"Draco! I was waiting for forever! Where- oh." I yell. He's holding a picnic basket and a hogwarts blanket in his hands. "It's wonderful! Thank you!" He grins.

"I knew you'd like it." He kisses me on the cheek and then lays the blanket on the ground. He gently sets the picnic basket on the ground. I start to bend over to sit down. He pats the ground right next to him, suggesting I sit there. He reaches inside the basket and pulls out something wrapped in cloth with both of our house crests on it. He unwraps it gently, and takes it out. It's a silver ring with a single opal. It's truly beautiful.

"Mione, this is just a promise ring, but maybe in the future I'll pull out an engagement ring." He smiles bashfully and grabs my right hand and starts to slide it on my ring finger. "Promise to be there for me, and be faithful, even when it's hard?"
I begin to nod and I can feel the blood rush to my face, and a smile creeps on my face.
"Yes, of course I will!" I say happily. He looks and me and smiles.
"Don't worry, I've gotten one for myself too." He puts it on his right hand ring finger also. "I promise to love you, be there for you, and never give up on us." He grins. He grabs me and pulls me closer, hugs me, then kisses me. I pull away. I just want to remember how it is now, blissful happiness, and the excitement of being even more tied to each other.

-------------------Please give me suggestions on what more I should write!!
Due to how sudden the ending of this was and how much it was disliked, I've decided to continue writing this story and fix the ending!

I hope you enjoy it!

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