A New Place

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This chapter is dedicated to @orangemavis because they left tons of votes!

I awake with a start. I get up and get my robes out of my trunk. Ginny laughs.
"Hermoine! Look at your hair!" She exclaims with a small giggle. I run to a mirror and look at my reflection. My hair is sticking up in every direction. I laugh along with her as I attempt to brush my hair down. I give up and use magic to make it lie flat. We laugh until our stomachs hurt then get dressed for our first day of classes. I pack everything I brought into my trunk so I can take it to my new dormitory. Ginny and I get to the Great Hall just in time for breakfast. I sit down next to her and look down the table. I spot Maragret sitting with some other first years that seem to be her friends. I look towards the door and Ron and Harry bustle in. They sit down across from us.
"Have you talked to Ron about being head girl yet?" She whispers in my ear. I shake my head.
"I will before we go to class." Ginny nods and gets back to eating. The food disappears from the tables after we finish eating. We get up and head off to class.
"Ron, I have to talk to you." I say right before he walks out.
"Okay Moine what is it." He replies.
"Well..." I pause. "I'm head girll." I finish quickly.
"Hermione thats brilliant!" He exclaims. I nod quickly.
"I will have to share a dormitory with the head boy, separate from you guys." I quickly state. The excitement quickly leaves his face. He scowls.
"Do you have to?!"
"Yes, Ron."
"I won't stand for it. I can't have my girlfriend in a dormitory alone with a different boy! You can't do it Moine!"
"Ronald you are being ridiculous! I'm going to be fine!"
"You better not do anything with him." He scowls and storms off. Shock and hurt registers on my face. He looks back angrily and keeps walking. I run to McGonagall's office.
"Proffessor, perhaps could you tell me where my dorm is exactly?" She nods and tells me where to go. My new dorm is located 5 doors down from the Great Hall on the right. I quickly get to my old dormitory and grab my trunk and head to my new dormitory.

Sorry that it's really short today! Thanks for reading!
Written: December 1, 2014
-Awkward Potato

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