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This has made it to 2k. I repeat, this has made it to 2k!!!!

Dedicated to @Potterhead_6746

*later that day*

I walk into the Great Hall. it's dinner now so I'm sure Ginny will be there. I find her after about ten seconds of scanning the Gryffindor table. Her bright red hair is hard to miss. I almost run up to her. "Ginny I need to talk to you. It's important." I burst out. She stops talking to Harry who is seated next to her and looks up.

"Hermione, I'm sorry but could you talk to Ginny another time." Harry asks. He's trying to be nice but I get it. They must have been talking about there relationship. I think about me and Draco but quickly push it away. Ginny rolls her eyes at Harry.

"Okay talk." She says.

"In private." I add. She nods and follows me out of the Great Hall.

"What did you have to tell me that was important?!" She asks me excitedly. I bite my lip. I'm not quite sure how to tell her. I decide to tell her exactly what I know.

"I think somebody is pretending to be Ron."

"Hermione don't you think I'd notice?"

"Yeah but..." I bite my lip again. "I overheard him talking to somebody in the Gryffindor common room this morning and-"

"Why were you in the Gryffindor common room?" She interrupts. I shake my head as if to say it doesn't matter. "Continue."

"Okay. So I heard a man that sounded like Ron but the voice was a little off. I can be sure because the footsteps sounded the same."

"Are you sure."

"Yes. I even looked up strange behavior in the library and what causes it." She nods.

"Who do you think it is?"

"I don't know but I've definitely heard that voice somewhere." I whisper. She nods.

"Well I'm going back to talk to Harry." She says casually.

"Bye Ginny." I watch her walk away. "Ginny, wait! One more thing!" I yell. She jogs back to me.

"Yeah?" She asks, slightly irritated.

"Draco and I are dating." I can't help myself from smiling. it sounds better when I say it out loud. Ginny squeals with excitement.

"Hermione! That's great!" She exclaims. I grin spreads across my face. I nod. I'm lost for words. "But I really do have to go." She says calmly.

"It's okay, go!" I shop her away. I think about Ginny's approval before randomly deciding I'm not hungry. I walk the deserted halls back to my dorm. To my surprise Draco is sitting on the chair by the fire shirtless as I walk in.

"Put some clothes on." I say with a joking tone.

"But Mione... Don't you find this" He gestures at his body. "attractive?" I giggle.

"Yes, in fact I do." I say with a wink and a grin. He runs up to me and picks me up. I laugh. He carries me into my room and drops me on the bed. I laugh again. Then I realized this is why I love him. Because he does the unexpected and makes me happy all the time. he brings out the best in me. He starts to walk out but before he can, I climb on his back.

"Piggyback ride!" I shout. Draco trips as he tries to walk out of the room. We both crash to the ground and laugh. In mid laugh he grabs me and kisses me. This kids was different. This was more passionate, more meaningful. I smile into the kiss.

"God I love you." I say in between kisses. He stops and smiles at me.

"I love you more Mione." I smile. I don't fully understand yet how I went from hating this boy to loving him more than I ever loved Ron in a couple months. Now looking back on what I said to Ron about finding somebody better, I realize I found somebody much better. And that person was Draco. The next thing I know we are both sitting in front of the fire. Draco has his arm around my waist, keeping me close. I scoot closer to him. We grab blankets and we sit together until we fall asleep next to the fire.
How do you like it?
I added more Dramione!


Written: February 26th, 2015

-Awkward Potato

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