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Dedicated to @lubnah10 and @xbig_dreamerx :)

The silence of the dorm is broken as I here Jasper come in. He must be with his friends because I hear him talking to somebody. I jump up and walk into the main room. There he is with his friend.
"I'm going to go do my Head Girl duties." I state. Hapser looks at me and rolls his eyes.
"You really think we have to do those? I haven't done them at all!" He laughs "They are more of suggestions Hermione!" He laughs again.
"They are not suggestions Jasper!" I storm out to go check on the houses. I quickly do so. This time, I don't have problems with Slytherin. I start to wonder if Draco said something to them. I start walking towards McGonagall's office. I have to report Jasper. I can't do his duties for him and it's in the rules that you have to do your duties! I run into her office.
"Is there a problem, Miss Granger?" She asks kindly as she smiles at me.
"Yes, Professor, there is. You see, Jasper won't do his duties. He had been skipping out on doing them! He has to be replaced!" I say angrily. She nods slowly in agreement.
"Thank you for reporting to me, Miss Granger. I will assign the new Head Boy by tomorrow night." She smiled at me. "Thank you." She says. I walk back towards my dorm. I walk slowly. I hope that was the right thing to do. I think about Ron and Draco on the way back. I feel like the girl in books that is always in a love triangle. except this love triangle is different. I still like Ron but I kind of like Draco and Draco likes me but Ron doesn't. At least I still think I love Ron. I realize I'm at the entrance to my dorm. I quickly get in. It's quiet ad hard to believe just an hour ago Jasper and his friend were in here being loud. I walk towards my room. The fireplace in the main room lights up the way. The warm light fills up most of the dorm. I put my pajamas in then go and sit in the main room for a little bit. Suddenly, Jasper bursts in. And he does not look happy.
"Thanks Hermione. Now I'm not a Head Boy." he scowls and walks towards me. I flinch. "You are going to pay for this." He spits out. He extends his arm and slaps me. The first thing I feel is the pain. Then I yelp. It feels like the right side of my face is on fire. Then, more pain. But this time, it's much worse. This time, he punched me. I touch my cheek and jaw and as soon as my fingers brush it, pain flares up. I'm sure this is going to leave a mark. I start to cry. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I can't tell how I feel. I'm confused, angry, and scared.
"Next time, don't ever do anything to me." He says calmly while glaring at me as he walks to his room. I run to my room and crawl in bed. I slowly drift off to sleep, still crying.

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Written: January 13th, 2014

-Awkward Potato

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