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Proof Dramione is real.^^^

Dedicated to @StarlessLupin

*next day*

I check out more books on pollyjuice potion in the library. Most of the books list how to tell if somebody is using pollyjuice potion. One of the ways is weird moods. I think I might go sneak into the Gryffindor common room and search through Ron's things. I really do believe somebody is pretending to be Ron. What else would explain what's been happening with Ron? Pollyjuice potion is the only logical explanation. I decide to go into the Gryffindor common room during breakfast. Ron never misses eating so I don't think him walking in will be a problem. It's only about 7:00 am now so breakfast will be starting soon. I leave my books on the tables and start to run back to my common room. I say the password and walk into the common room. I bump into Draco.

"Hermione, I'm sorry about Hogsmeade. Forgive me?" he frowns. He makes me melt inside. I can't explain why but he just does.

"Draco. I think I do forgive you." I say with a smile. Suddenly I'm filled with warmth. Draco smiles at me. He slips his arm around my waist and pulls me closer.

"Then is it okay to do this?" He says. He kisses me. I find myself kissing him back. We pull away after a bit.

"That's definitely okay." I say with a giggle and a grin.

"So, Mione, will you be my girlfriend?" He says nervously. I nod and this time, I kiss him. We stay wrapped in each others arms for what seems like eternity but only was a couple minutes.

"Well I have some stuff to do. See you later." I quickly kiss him on the cheek and walk into my room. I grab my wand and slip it into my robes. I didn't bring it to the library. I walk out of the common room and start to walk towards the Gryffindor common room. I quickly use a spell so people don't notice me. I get to there in a couple minutes. I stop the spell. I say the password and walk in calmly. Lucky for me, nobody is in here, or so it seems. I creep up the stairs to the boys dormitory. I hear a voice. I stop and listen. I can tell its Ron because the footsteps sound exactly like his. It sounds like Ron but the voice is rougher and deeper. But I know I've heard this voice before I just can't place where I've heard it or who's voice it is. He must be using the fireplace in there to talk to somebody. I can make out some of the words he's saying.

"I need more! I'm starting to run out and my cover can't be blown this far into the plan..." The guy says angrily. It's full of murmurs before I hear him say one last thing. "I gotta go. I think we have a little company." my heart skips a beat. I jump up and dash down the stairs and run out the door. Right now, I don't care how much noise I make. I just don't want to be caught. After I'm out the door I run down the stairs and use the spell that makes me go unnoticed. I walk calmly down the stairs. I hear the footsteps fading and I take a deep breath. I understand that the man What did the man mean by 'the plan'?
Sorry it's so short! I wrote this in the car at night so I hope it's good!


Written: February 21st, 2015

-Awkward Potato

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