Head Boy

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Dedicated to @nannaof4

I slowly wake up. My face hurts. I get out of bed and look in the mirror. There is a large bruise from the top of my cheek to my jaw. It's not too swollen and the bruise isn't very dark. I quickly set a charm over it so it appears to be normal. I put on a different pair of robes and head towards the Great Hall. I stop when I get to the door. I glance at the Gryffindors and see an empty spot by the end of the table. I walk over calmly with my head up so I don't appear to be sad due to my breakup with Ron. I take a seat at the oak table. Food appears on the table as well as plates, cups, silverware, and drinks. I grab a cup and pour some grape juice in it. I also put some eggs on a plate. I don't eat much of the eggs. I hop up after I'm finished and walk to my dorm to get my text books. I gain access to the dorm and walk in. I grab my charms book and start to head put. I bump into McGonagall as I'm walking out.
"Hello Miss Granger!" She says happily. " Have appointed the new Head Boy!" She finishes excitedly. I smile.
"Who is it?" I kindly ask.
"See for yourself." She lotions to somebody behind her. Draco walks out from behind her.
"Hello Granger." Draco says emotionlessly.
"I know you two don't exactly get along but you will have to make it work. I already explained the rules to Mister Malfoy over here and he agreed to do his duties and not fight with you. I assume you will do the same?"
"I will Professor. I won't fight, I promise." She smiles.
"Excellent! You should show Mister Malfoy his room." I nod and walk into my dorm along with Draco. I quickly close the entrance.
"Draco this is excellent!" I say happily. He smiles in agreement. I quickly show him to his room and notice that the walls are painted sliver and dark green. Also his ring is lying on his pillow. He puts his trunk in his room and walks out.
"Come on let's go!" I pull him along to the halls which are crowded with students. We go to charms and on the way, we run into Ron. He turns around and scowls at me.
"What do you want Ronald." I ask. He sees Draco behind me. I heard that Jasper idiot got kicked out of his position! He laughs rudely. "Who is the new bloke they chose?" Draco walks up to Ron.
"I'm that bloke you are talking about." He says coldly. He lets out a laugh.
"You? For head boy? I didn't know you even knew how to count!" Ron laughs again. I roll my eyes and walk away, Draco follows me into class. he sits next to his Slytherin friends and I sit next to Luna. The rest of the day passes in a blur. What Ron said should have bugged me but it didn't. The reason being my excitement for having Draco share a dormitory with me.

The idea of Jasper being replaced with Draco occurred to me a long time ago! Somebody commented after I thought of this so I decided I should let it happen now!


Written: January 20th, 2015.

-Awkward Potato

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