The Enemy's Perspective

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A/N: This is a small flashback to the night of Curly and Soda's fight but from Curly's POV.

Curly's POV

Tonight was awesome! I got to show that punk Sodapop Curtis who's still in charge around here. That guy is just as weak as he was when I left town. I expected him to grow up a bit in these last six months, but nope. He was still kinda scrawny, his muscles weren't being used, and most importantly, he was still his big brother's bitch.

Sodapop is a backstabbing bitch who will throw even the closet friends aside. At least he has nice hair though...

Out of all the Curtis brothers, Sodapop was by far my least favorite. Darry was at least making a name for them, and Ponyboy is alright. He's fun to buddy around with because anything I do seems cool to him.

Tim likes it when Pony and I hang because Tim sees him as a 'good kid' but let me tell you, Pony knows how to have fun if he wants to. Like one time he talked me into going swimming in the waterhole. It has mad currents and has been illegal to swim in ever since someone drowned. Though I think that had more to do with the fact that he jumped off the cliff and probably hit a rock or something.

That was right around the time when my old man got his new job two towns over. He's barely ever home now and when he is he's getting too drunk to function or taking a swing at either Tim or I. Tim kinda stepped up after that and began looking after me and my sister. Come to think of it, that's when I really started shitting around, and eventually landed myself in reformatory school.

When Tim found out about me swimming in the waterhole he tore me a new one. I swear I couldn't sit for a week. He's done that a few times since, but not since I got home. But like Pony once told me, all good things must come to a n end.

After the fight, me and my buddy Biba were riding around town, hollering and getting mildly drunk. We met up with some of the other guys and threw a little rager in the woods. Word was spreading fast about the fight, and everyone seemed beyond pleased that I won.

I won't lie though, I felt like I got hit with a bag of bricks. Sodapop did land a few good punches, and completely swelled up one of my eyes. I think he even dented my lip ring a bit.

People were getting oddly worked up over the whole fight, they kept saying how Dally or even Darry would be next, and how if those punks show their faces anywhere they were gonna get it. Others were talking about a rumble where we could finally win dominance over the Curtis gang.

I smiled and laughed along, but honestly I was hoping it was just the beer talking and none of this would actually happen.

After a few hours, Biba drove my tired, slightly drunk ass home. Getting in a car with him when he was almost passed out himself probably wasn't the best idea, but he got me home with no more than a jerky ride.

I stepped inside my house and immediately threw myself on the couch and closed my eyes.

"Charles Shepard!" My eyes shot open and Tim came storming out of his room and over to me. I hated when he used my real name, it was so gross. I've been called Curly since I was a baby, because of my insane curly hair.

Tim grabbed my arm and yanked me off the couch. "What the hell?" He screamed.

"Let go!" I screamed back and tried to pull away. Tim liked boxing, he dose it in his free time so even though he had a slimmer physique, his arms were build and he was strong as fuck.

"Fighting Sodapop was a real dumb stunt you pulled kid." Tim shook me and then threw me back on the couch.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. I guess I didn't really expect to get away with it, but I didn't expect him to find out this quickly either. "I could do what I want Tim." I snapped and shot off of the couch.

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