A Stressful Night

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Darry's POV

  It's hard enough to spend every day killing my back and arms working on roofs in order to keep one above my little brother's heads, but when they start acting up I could hardly take it. Some days I want to rip their heads off. Today was one of those days...

I worked an extra shift and killed my back through it. When I came home all I wanted to do was relax with my boys and watch some TV, but I had to get an awful call from Ponyboy's teacher telling me that he'd haven't turned in his homework for the past week. I couldn't understand how a kid so smart could be so dumb all the time. It’s not like homework is graded on correction. All Pony had to do was right now something in order to get credit.

I stormed into Ponyboy and Sodapop’s room to find Pony writing in some notebook, and Soda picking up some clothes off of the floor. I stood in the doorway, though neither of them noticed. I cleared my throat and crossed my arm, that certainly got their attention. Both boys looked at me, then at each other, then back at me.

“What’s up Dar?” Sodapop gave me his supermodel smile.

  I gave Soda a nod of acknowledgment, but turned my attention to my youngest brother. “What are you doing Pony?”
Ponyboy looked down at his notebook. “Um, writing?” He shrugged.

“Oh, so not homework?” I un-crossed my arms and walked over to the edge of Pony’s bed. I could tell Pony was getting nervous by the way he shifted away from me.

“No.” He muttered.

“Yeah didn’t think so.” I nodded, trying to keep my voice steady. “Wanna know how I knew?” I didn’t wait for Pony to answer because I didn’t really expect him to. “Because your math teacher called me and said you haven’t turned your homework in for the past week!” My voice raised a little, so I took a deep breath and took a few steps away from Pony.

“Hey Dar, I’m sure Pony got a good explanation, don’t you Pony?” I could tell Soda was only trying to help, but I didn’t need his constantly budding in when Pony is in trouble.

  “Yeah, I do.” Pony said softly. “I've just been really busy you know? Haven't really had the time."

“That’s a load of bullshit.” I yelled, louder than I should have. “Pony you find lots of time to hang out with Johnny and Dally, so don’t you dare tell me you don’t have enough time.”

Pony got off of his bed and slowly backed himself up upon the wall, probably because he thought I was gonna pop him. “Look I’m sorry Dar.”
“That’s not good enough this time Pony!” I yelled. “You are way too smart to not do your homework!”

“But Dar.” Pony whined. “It’s not like I'm failing. I get an A on every test, so why does it matter if I do my homework or not?”

“Because It’s bringing your grade average down.” I tried to explain to him. “It’s such a simple thing to do. You have no excuses for not doing it, you're just being lazy."

“I am not!” Pony yelled at me, clearly in defence mode.

“Yes you are, that’s all you ever are these days, lazy and dumb.” I didn’t yell, but my tone was stern and harsh. I saw the hurt on Pony’s face and I regretted calling him that.

“Hey!” Soda yelled, and shoved me a little. “Don’t call him dumb.”

I was just about to apologise for doing just that, but Soda did not help my temper. I grabbed his shirt and shook him a little. Not enough to hurt him, I just needed to get my point across. “You will not hit or yell at me like that Sodapop Patrick!”

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