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A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long, I've been super busy.
Anyways, I hope you like the chapter :)


Ponyboy's POV

The nightmares started a while ago, when my parents died in that tragic car crash. They stopped only about a month or two ago though last night they came back. Though they were changed, it was a slow reliving of Darry getting shot, seeing the blood rush run from him and watching him fall to the ground. Seeing him lying in the hospital and hearing the long beeping that indicated that his heart had stopped.

The dreams were worse because when I woke up, I was still living the nightmare. It was a never ending cycle of absolute misery.

Sodapop was still hugging me, drooling a little on my shoulder when a loud banging against the door woke us up. "Five more minutes Dar." I heard Soda mutter without opening his eyes.

The door opened and I heard clicking of high heels against the hardwood. "Time to get up." Mrs. Butler's voice boomed through the room. "What is this?" Her voice cracked. I sat up a little and Mrs. Butler grabbed Soda's arm and yanked him out of bed. He was barely awake and ended up falling into the floor.

"Morning to you too." Soda muttered as he stood up.

"You," She pointed at Soda. "Sleep in your own bed." She sounded genuinely discussed. "Down stairs in five." Then she slammed the door on her way out.

Soda sighed and sat back down on my bed. "Hey." He smiled softly at me.

"Hey." I scooted over to him and leaned against his side. "I don't wanna go downstairs." I said and Soda nodded in agreement.

"We just, gotta make the best out of the day. Go through it with a smile, that's what Darry would want, right?" Soda nudged me and tried his best to act happy, though it wasn't convincing.

"Is that what Darry would want?" I asked. I don't think it is, I think he would want us to grief probably instead of shoving our emotions down like Soda was trying to do.

"Yeah." Soda nodded and shot off the bed. "I think."

"Can we go see him today?" I almost whispered.

"Go see what?" Soda began fixing his hair in the mirror that hung over the dresser. "His body?"

"Soda!" I screamed and shot off the bed. "Why would you say that?"

He was silent for a moment. He stared at himself in the mirror, his smile fading. When he turned around to me it was back. "I don't want to live in denial. We heard that heart machine thing go flat. We saw him die."

"But no one told us-"

"No one had to." Soda uttered. He was so hopeful when mama and daddy were in the hospital. He tried to keep all of our spirits up for the hour it took them to die. He never stopped, he always tried to keep a good attitude. I guess he was tired of constantly doing that.

I wasn't going to give up hope though, I never would. I rendered quiet, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at my best up hands. Soda walked over to me, grabbed my face and kissed the top of my head. "Let's go downstairs." He sighed and then walked out of the room.

We went downstairs which was weird considering I've lived in a one story house my whole life. Mr. and Mrs. Butler were sitting at the table, watching Gunsmoke reruns. "Make yourselves useful and get us some coffee." Mr. Butler howled.

I had no idea how to make coffee. I never drank it and Darry would always make his own. I looked to Soda and he seemed just as confused as I was. "Are you boys thick in the head? Get on it!"

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