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Sodapop's POV

I've always hated being alone, having this isolated feeling that lingered through the empty air. When people were around it gave me something to smile at, something to find joy in. Though once they left it was hard to make a smile, especially now. I guess that's why I never fought for my own room, or even my own bed. I use the excuse that I help Ponyboy sleep but I need him just as much as he needs me.

But now, he's mad at me. I'm not the happiest with him either, though I know you're supposed to forgive someone after they're punished, so I'm trying really hard to forgive him. I probably would have by now if he wasn't being such a brat.

He wasn't even looking at me, let alone talking to me. I can't talk to Darry about it because I'm still pissed at him, and rightfully so. I don't see myself ever getting over his secrets, not even if he tells me the truth, though that would certainly help.

I honestly didn't want to go back home with him, I just wanted to go back home. I learned that Mrs. Butler isn't that bad. She makes really good banana bread, and as long as you're nice to her she's normally nice back. She just has no filter and says whatever she wants.

Mr. Butler though, was of course an entirely different story. A day hasn't gone by that I haven't been slapped or hit in some type of way.

"Don't play with your food. Eat it." Mr. Butler snapped at Pony, who was pushing his eggs around his plate.

I was almost going to ask Pony if he was feeling okay, but he's always been a picky eater, especially when he's upset. Besides, he wouldn't answer me anyways.

"I'm not hungry." Pony muttered.

"Fine." Mr. Butler snatched his plate away and dumped his food onto his own plate. Pony didn't seem phased in the slightest, in fact he kinda looked happy. "How about I send you off to school without lunch too?" Mr. Butler was clearly looking for a reaction out of him.

Pony refused to give him one and sighed, muttering a small, "Alright."

I thought his head was going to explode. I waited for his outburst, or to take away dinner or something, but instead he turned the TV volume up louder and crunched angrily on his toast.

As I was cleaning up breakfast, I noticed a Poptart box open on the counter. Normally all the food was locked away in the pantry so we couldn't get at it without permission. I knew Pony would be hungry sooner or later, so I quickly snatched one and shoved it into my jeans pocket.

I was dumb not to look around first, because in walked Mr. Butler, who immediately grabbed the back of my neck. "Think it's okay to steal from me?" He growled as he ripped the Poptart from my pocket.

"No sir, I just-" He smacked me on the seat of my jeans. It was the first time he directly spanked me, and it shut me up quick.

"Don't you dare ever steal from me." He turned me around but kept his hold. With his free hand he readjusted his belt, and I couldn't help but flinch away. He laughed maniacally. What a sick son of a bitch. "You afraid of the belt?" He smirked.

I didn't want to say the wrong thing, so I just stood there silently. "You better be." He slapped me across the face, still holding my neck so I couldn't move at all. "Next time you steal from me you'll be right back in the cellar. Understood?"

"Yes sir, I'm so sorry." I pleaded quickly.

He tugged my hair before letting me go, leaving me in the kitchen again. I wanted to kill that man. I wanted to slit his throat. I thanked God he was better to Pony, physically at least. He only hit him time a few times, and never anything hard. If he did, I would be afraid of what I would do to him. "Finish the dishes and get to school." He snapped.

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