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A/N: I really enjoyed reading all your comments from last chapter so please feel free to leave more!
I know that you guys didn't exactly love the last chapter so I worked hard to get this one out as fast as possible <3


Ponyboy's POV

At 10:17 my brother was shot.

At 10:28 he was being pulled into the hospital on a gurney.

At 10:32 I was explaining what happened and how we had no clue who did this.

At 10:43 I was sitting in the hospital waiting room.

And at 11:15 I was told that my brother was not okay.

To think that only an hour ago, we were celebrating our victory. Thinking everyone was going to be fine. How wrong we were will never cease to amaze me.

I was sitting in the waiting chair, knees hugged to my chest, staring at the small rip in my jeans. Sodapop was frantically pacing around the room, crying so hard no one could make out what he was rambling about. Steve and Two-Bit tried to calm him down though they were having no luck. Dally and Johnny were sitting on either side of me, saying words that I refused to hear.

I didn't want anyone to tell me that things were going to be alright, or that everything will be fine. Those were the words I heard right before my parents were pronounced dead.


It was such a permanent and sinister word, though we use it too much. You hear people say "I could kill you." "I wish you were dead." "He's gonna kill me." "I'm gonna kill myself." And so many other phrases. Though that's all they are, phrases.

Until they're not.

Until your big brother, one of the last people you have on the earth, the person who you can not live without, no matter what, is associated with that word.

So many times I've wished Darry would just go away. So many times he's pissed me off and I've wished him gone. Though I knew if he were to really go away, I wouldn't be able to handle it.

After mom and dad died, I cried myself to sleep every night in Darry's arms. I had nightmares for months, and I still get them sometimes. And he would calm me down, and hold me until I was okay.

If he leaves me, I don't think I'll get through it. Not even with Sodapop still here. I need them both.

We were told that the bullet hit Darry's scapula. Though the doctors weren't sure if it hit his brachial blood vessels or if there was any major internal bleeding. All they know Is that Darry is still alive, but barely. He's holding on by an oxygen tank and is still passed out. They didn't tell us anything else. I don't think they even know anything else.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I announced and stood up from my chair.

"I'll come." Johnny offered and Dally also got up.

"No thanks." I muttered and began walking down the hallway and to the men's room.

My head was pounding and the bright hospital lights were not helping. I placed my hands on the sink and let my head fall forward.

I splashed water in my face and then watched as the droplets rolled in my chin and splashed against the sink.

When I looked up into the mirror, I saw a ghost of a person. His face was bruised and bloody, his eyes were swollen and red, and his once blue jacket, was now a dark shade of red. Whoever it was, wasn't me. This boy looked empty.

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