Never Giving Up On You

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A/N: Hey, sorry this chapter took a while to write, but it's pretty long so I hope that makes up for it!


Ponyboy's POV

I never liked guns, they were dangerous, horrible things that brought death and genuinely scared me. My folks were extremely against them, and didn't want us anywhere near them. Darry's the same way, he despises guns and says they're only for soldiers and thugs. He's made it crystal clear that if we were even caught holding a gun he would skin us alive.

So how did I end up, standing on my porch, holding a revolver with my finger on the trigger, shooting at some drunk soc trying to burn my house down? Well let me backup and explain...

After Johnny and I got jumped, and a brick was thrown through our window, everyone was rightfully on edge. Soda and Steve were in mine and Soda's room talking or fighting or something, Darry was skulking in his room and Johnny, Two-Bit and I were in the kitchen chomping on chocolate cake and taking bets on exactly how the fight tonight was going to go down. I made them promise to tell me every single detail when they get back.

Dally disappeared outside for a few minutes. He told us all not to come and we listened because he seemed real serious.

He eventually came back and grabbed me out of my chair. "Could I talk to you?" He asked but before I could answer I was being pulled out of the house and onto the deck.

"What's this about?" I asked as Dally closed the door carefully and walked around to the side of the house. He crooked his finger so I followed him.

Dally looked around before pulling a freaking revolver from the inside of his coat. "What the hell?" I yelled and backed away.

"Relax and shut up would you?" Dally snapped. He extended the black gun out for me to take. I looked at it hesitantly and then quickly shook my head. "Look kid, until this little war thing ends would you just keep it? I don't need you and Johnny getting jumped again or worse. And Johnny's too jumpy, I don't really trust him with it."

"But you trust me?" My eyes went wide. I guess I wasn't as nervous as Johnny, but I couldn't shoot a gun, no freaking way. I couldn't even use a blade.

"Yeah, I trust that you'll use it out when you absolutely need to." Dally extended the gun out farther and this time I actually took it. It was much heavier than it looked, and there was a small amount of rust on it. I hate to admit it, but I felt real tuff holding it. "It's loaded, so don't go pointing that at anyone, and don't pull the hammer back either." Dally said and pointed to the small black lever type thing that you need to push down before you could shoot. "I think this goes without saying but don't tell anyone about this. Especially not Darry, got it?"

I nodded fast, keeping my eyes focused on the gun.

I really didn't expect to use it, I put it in my desk drawer under a few books where I knew no one would look. Though later that night, when some soc came to my house with the intent of burning it to the ground, I surprised myself by rushing to grab it.

When I came outside, Soda was throwing a punch at one of the guys and the other was about to light the match. I didn't have any time to think. I had to make a split second decision to protect my house and my family. So I pulled back the forbidden hammer and squeezed the trigger.

I flinched when I heard the noise, and I squeezed my eyes tight. I heard a loud scream and I knew I hit someone.

It wasn't until that moment when I realized Sodapop was right in my line of fire, right by the targets I was trying to hit.

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