A Babysitter?

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I worked super hard on this chapter and it is my favorite so far, so please please please leave a comment telling my what you thought about it!  <3


Sodapop's POV

  It was finally Thursday, which is a weird day to be excited for, but I didn't have work until Monday, which meant I had nothing but parties and fun waiting for me this weekend. Or that's at least what I thought.

Darry had been on the phone all day, talking to different people about work or something. I didn't care enough to eavesdrop, though it was hard not to notice the large smile that was on his face.

I was in the kitchen, humming to myself and making dinner when Ponyboy walked in."What's superman so happy about?" He asked as he grabbed a coke from the fridge.

"Beats me." I shrugged and stirred the marinara sauce around in the pot.

"Pasta? Again?" Pony whined and looked into the two pots on the stove.

"Yeah." I chuckled. "Do me a favor and just eat alright. No need making Darry angry."

"But it's so... blah." Pony stuck his tongue out in discussion.

"Pony." I shot him with my puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." He muttered with a pout.

I smiled and playfully wrapped my arm around his waist and gave him a nuggie with my other hand. My whole arm fit around him and was able to touch my side. I knew Pony was skinny but I didn't realize just how small he was. I let go in shock but tried to hide the concern on my face. "Mind setting the table?" I asked, not wanting to address my worry.

"Sure." Ponyboy grabbed three cups and sets of silverware and then walked out of the kitchen.

I turned back to the pasta that was finished cooking. I dished out the pasta onto three plates and with Pony's help, carried them to the table. "Darry, dinners ready!" I yelled to him.

A minute later, Darry came into the kitchen, a hurry smile on his face, which was a rare sight to say the least. "Everything okay?" I asked.

"Everything is great." Darry said happily and shoved pasta into his mouth.

"Wanna elaborate?" Pony asked and we both leaned in with a grin.

"Alright." Darry put his fork down and leaned in as well. "My boss called, and we'll, he said that my crew got a really good paying gig!"

"Really?" Pony smiled.

"How good paying?" I asked eagerly.

"Over double what I would normally get for a job!" Darry's smile somehow managed to get bigger.

"That's awesome!" I yelled.

"It gets better." Darry told us. "This should open up more jobs for me, which means things are going to start getting easier for us."

"Darry this is great!" Pony yelled.

"I know." Darry's smile faded a little. "There is a catch though."

Oh god this can't be good.

"I have to start tomorrow." Darry told us.

"So?" I asked, not seeing the big deal.

"I'll be gone all weekend." He told us, though I still wasn't following. "The job is a few towns over. Lucky I have a buddy who lives around there, so he's going to let me crash at his place."

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