Twice The Trouble

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A/N: Hey Guys, I know this chapter is a little shorter, though I really like it and I hope you guys do to!
I love reading your comments so please feel free to leave them!

Ponyboy's POV

Do you ever wake up and just know that today will be an awful day? Well that's exactly the feeling I had when I rolled out of bed this morning.

I was tired, moody and my head hurt for some reason. Probably from the drinking I did last night. I honestly didn't have much, just one or two beers, but it was more than I'm used to.

I smelt bacon being cooked so I slowly made my way to the kitchen. Darry was flipping it on the stove, and Sada was squirming in his chair. It was clear that Soda got in trouble last night, probably from sneaking out while grounded, I'm just glad he didn't come to the party I was at. I told my brother's I was going to the movies, they wouldn't be pleased to find out I lied.

"Morning." Darry smiled at me as I walked past him and into the bathroom.

"Morning." I muttered back and walked into the bathroom. I splashed water on my face and then took two asprons.

"Hey hey hey!" I heard the obnoxiously loud laugh of Steve come into the house. I peeked my head out of the bathroom and saw Steve and Dally come inside.

"Hey." Soda high-fived Steve, which slid into a clasp and then fist bump.

"Perfect timing, I made food." Darry slid the bacon onto a plate and then placed it in the middle of the table.

I walked out of the bathroom, determined to get some before the other guys ate it all. "Heyyyy Pony." Dally ruffled my hair.

"Sup Dal." I shrugged him off of me. I sat next to Soda and picked up a price of bacon. I took a small bite, but honestly I lost my appetite already.

"Eat." Darry gently shoved my head from behind me.

"If you don't want it I'll gladly take it off yours hands " Dally smirked.

"Here." I shrugged and handed him the nibbled piece of bacon.

"No." Darry snatched it back. "Eat Ponyboy."

"Why you being so difficult?" Steve asked with a snear on his face.

"I'm not." I defended myself.

"You are." Darry agreed.

Just to spite them all, I shoved the rest of the bacon in my mouth and then grabbed another piece.

"Anyone see the game last night? Brutal loss for the Yankees." Dally smoothly changed the subject. I sent him a grateful look and he winked at me.

"I saw the last half, what a disappointment." Steve sighed. Soda was clearly having a hard time sitting still in his chair. He was pushing himself up with his palms, wiggling around and shifting his weight. "Dude are you okay?" Steve asked bluntly.

"What? Yeah." Soda nodded eagerly and finally stayed still.

"Are you sure, because it looks like you got your-" Before Steve could finish the sentence, Soda shot him a look and kicked his leg. I looked at Dally and Darry and they both looked just as confused as I was. "Sorry." Steve laughed with a small smirk. No way did Steve know that Darry spanked us. I never told him, and I know Darry and Soda wouldn't either.

Dally sighed dramatically to try to break the silence. He put his hands in his jean jacket pocket and then flinched in surprise. He pulled out a silver lighter, my lighter. "Yo Pony man, I almost forgot," He tossed me the closed lighter which I caught to my surprise. "You left this at the party last night."

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