Buckle Down

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A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter, it was one of my favorites to write so far! I love writing this book but coming up with ideas can be hard sometimes so if you could leave ideas/suggestions I would really appreciate it! <3


Darry doesn't have too many rules he makes me follow, just the basic ones like, no disrespect, cursing or attitude. I don't have a set curfew, it kinda just goes on a night to night basis, and I can go pretty much anywhere and do anything as long as I'm not doing drugs or putting myself in too much danger. Though there is one rule that has been set in the Curtis household for as long as I can remember, that is just plain stupid. No one is allowed to wear a belt besides the Head of the house. It used to be my dad, now it's Darry. This rule never really bothered me, it's not like I ever wanted to wear a belt, and I didn't think it was going to be a huge deal if I did. But man was I wrong.

I stayed out a little too late last night even though I have an early shift at the DX. I was dead tired and wanted to do nothing but stay in bed. At six o'clock Darry came into my room and gently shook me away. "Good Morning buddy." Darry ruffled my hair. "Up and at em."

"I'm tired." I groaned and buried my head into my pillow.

"Yeah wonder why." Darry went over to the window and opened the blinds. Ponyboy let out a miserable whine and went back into the sheets. "You gotta get up too Pony, you have school." Darry threw the blanket off of us.

"Can't I skip?" Pony muttered.

"Absolutely not." Darry laughed. He left the room, and both me and Pony closed our eyes again.

A minute later, our door was opened again and Darry banged on the wall. "Up." He yelled in the room.

"Uh." I would normally get up no problem, but I was a little hung over, not that I could tell Darry that.

"I call the bathroom first." Pony slugged himself out of bed and walked like a zombie down the hall and to the bathroom. I stayed in our bed and dozed off again.

"Soda!" Darry stomped into the room and pulled me out of bed by my arm. "I told you to get up." He landed a hard smack on my ass. I yelped and jumped back a little.

"I'm up!" I muttered miserably.

"Good, get dressed." Darry let go of my arm and left the room. I walked over to my closet and tried to rummage around for my DX shirt and a pair of jeans. I slipped on my button up blue uniform shirt but I couldn't find a pair of jeans anywhere.

I walked out of my room in an opened shirt and my underwear. "Darry have you seen my jeans?"

"No." He said as he made his coffee. "Check your closet."

"I did." I told him obviously.

"You sure they're not all dirty?"

"Well, no." I muttered.

"Well I don't have time to wash them, so wear Pony's or something." Darry shrugged and walked past me and into the bathroom. He reached around Pony and grabbed a comb.

"There's no way I'll fit into Pony's jeans." I complained. That kid was as thin as a stick.

Darry combed Pony's hair back and then playfully ruffled his hair, ruining the work Pony just did. "Really?" Pony muttered and pushed his hair back into place.

"Then wear my jeans Soda, there should be a pair hanging up in my closet." He told me as the toaster went off and he quickly raced to get the toast.

"Alright." I shrugged and went into Darry's room. I found his jeans and slipped them on. I was practically swimming in his jeans. I cuffed the legs, but the waist was still huge. "Darry, where's your belt?" I yelled from his room.

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