The Ups and Downs.

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I went inside my room, got in blanket. All I wanted to do was cry! Cry because everything about me has changed. From the girl who loves her family and loves swings to the girl who lets strangers kiss her? 

When did I grow up? I dont know where all the time went? Where is my dad? Why isnt he here to take care of me... My heart was drowning, while Dylan kept texting me how sorry he was..

He send me a text "Come to you balcony."

I was actually kinda scared because of his text, it reminded me of those scary movies where the serial killer texts the girl and then kills her.. But Dylan isnt really the serial killer type? 

So, I did as he asked. I opened the balcony door and I saw him standing there.

"Dylann? What are you doing here? wait, how did you get here?" I asked him in a puzzled way.

"Well, there was ladder in your yard, so I climbed up to your balcony. I know it sounds kinda like Rapunzel. Cheesy no?" He said with a wink.

"Oh okay.. but like you climbed here for what?"

"To talk to you.. To tell you I'm sorry. You were replying to my callls or my texts.  I just had to talk to you. even if that means climbing up to your balcony!"

"You're full of surprises, Mr. Hawk!" I said with a laugh.

I hugged him quickly and said "I'm sorry Dylan! For everything! I'm sorry for acting like a slut. I'm not usually like that.. I just dont know why I would do that?"

"I know you wouldnt, Ella. That's why I came here, to ask you what's wrong?"

"nothing is wrong, Dylan!"

He took me inside the room, closed the balcony door. And sat down next to me on th bed.

Look me in the eyes and said 

"  Listen Ella Darhling. I know something is wrong. I know I'm not your boyfriend, your bestfriend, or your brother. But I'm your friend who surprisingly cares about you. I have no idea why? I just like you.. And, I want to be there for you. So, try me! Try to give me a chance at making your life better. I know you're going through hell and somehow nobody understands you. I know because I went through the same hell, but no one was there for me. So, I turned out to be like this.. an asshole. But I dont want you to be like me.. I dont want this life for you We all have Ups and Downs in our lives and I want to help you. I want you to be Ella. The happy go lucky girl who finds the best in everything!  Now, tell me what is bugging Lil' Ell? " 

A tear rolled down from my eye, because I never knew Dylan could say something sweet.. He actually did care about me! And it felt so nice to have him. Maybe, I did find a friend.

So, I told him "  Well, it's been a month since my dad talked to me. Even if I try to hide it, it kills me!  My parents are getting a divorce. My mom is seeing some guy. My happy family is falling apart.  And it hurts so much! I miss my daddy so much. He's not at dinner with us, we dont even go on picnics or football games. And no one seems to understand. He doesnt even miss me, he doesnt even talk to me. You know how much that sucks? And well, Jessica is not here.. Nicole and Sara are too dumb to understand anything.. Max doesnt even look at me. Because I broke his heart. Zac is so nice, but I dont want to be with him! When I'm with him, it reminds of the time we used to play pirates with my dad in my backyard. This house reminds me of my dad.. I just hate everything!" 

Dylan calmed me down and said "Ella, the answer to your problem is simple. Call your dad. And meet up with him! Dont bring your ego in.. You love your dad and he loves you. I'm sure there's a solid reason why he isnt callin you."

"I dont know.." I mumbled.

"Call him right now!" He said.


"Yes, Ella. Now or never!" He said with a smile.

"Okay.. "

Dylan handed me his phone, I dailed my dad's number. And I called. My heart was beating so fast, I was so scared, what if he abandons me? I would be crushed! 

"Hello.. " My dad answered the call in  his soft voice.

"......uh.." I couldnt say anything. Dylan whispered to me SPEAK ELLA!

"Hello? anybody there? " My dad asked on the phone.

"... Um.. uh.."

"Ella? Is that you Ella? Are you okay, baby girl?  " My dad said. 

"Dad? Hi Dad.." I replied with my voice bursting into tears. 

"Hey, Ella baby. Are you okay? Are you crying, Honey?"

"Yes, I am.. " I said while sniffing.

"Oh why? Why is my baby doll crying?"

"Because, I miss you so much Dad! I miss you like crazyy! And you dont even miss me!"

"Now, who said that I dont miss my princess? You're my world, Ella. "

"Well, you dont mean that, If you did you would've called."

"I wanted to call you, darhling. I really did. I wanted to see both my pretty ladies. But your mom told me not to! She said that it's better if we take a break!"

"Well, how can take a break from my father? God, DAD! You should have called. I  have been going crazy. My life has been falling apart! and you werent even there.." 

"I'm so sorry, baby. I'm sorry that I was there! Let me make it up to you? Lets have lunch this saturday? we'll go to a game then.. Daughter/Father time, good ey? " 

"Yeah.. it would be great!"

"And I'll call your sister too! It feels so great to hear your voice, Ella. "

"Yours too, Dad. "

"I love you, Princess. Dont you ever think that I'll leave you!"

" I love you too, dad. I need to go to bed now.. "

"Okay. Good night, pumkin!"

"Good night, dad. "  

It felt so good to talk to him like all the worries have banished from my world. All thanks to Dylan.

"So, now was that so hard?" He asked with a wink.

"Not even a bit. He loves me, Dylan!"

"Ofcourse he does! He's your dad, silly!"

"Haha, I know. My dad is the best!"

"Now, I know why you love your dad! He's such a great father. "

"I know. "  I said with a smile and hugged Dylan.  

"I think I should go now.. You need to get some sleep, Miss Cranky!"

"haha, sure. You're my bestfriend, Dylan!" 

"Wow, that's a first. Haha, You know Ella, I'll be always here. I'm just  a lifeless person" 

"You're so rich, you can buy a life. "

"Haha, oh c'mon. " dylan said with a laugh. And got up to climb down from my balcony.

What a guy Dylan is? Haha, you dont find guys like him everyday. Climbing up to my balcony just to make me talk to my dad. He is an asshole but cares about me! He's also surprisingly rich! What a fellow...

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