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Next day.. 


I was so happy. Ella and I were doing just great. I mean, after all we went through, we finally made it. I dont know about Ella, but I was clearly flying high. Now, all I had to do was talk to Skylar. I didnt know what to say. I really liked skylar. She was so beautiful, and smart. But, ugh.. I dont know.

Ella and I were just sitting outside the school, chilling like usual. She was doing her fake attempts at reading my hand. She just kept on running her finger on my palm, and it was ticklish. So, in order to make her stop, I just leaned in and kissed her. I loved kissing her soft pink lips. They tasted like candy.  

After kissing her, we both kept looking at each other, as I touched her face. It was all perfect, until Dylan came. He looked at Ella and Me, and his eyes got all sad. He sort of got pissed and walked away from us. I looked at Ella, and suddenly her smile wasnt there. I can tell she was still in love with him. Just one look from Dylan, can change her completely. The way he makes her feel. I can never do that. It's true, the chemistry they share, Ella and I can never have something like that. I wish I can be Dylan for her. But I'm not the guy for her. I cant deny it anymore.. She clearly loves Dylan. And Dylan loves her.. he just doesnt know it. I'll talk to him.. Ella may not be the one for me, but she's my friend. And, I want her to be happy.  

So, I went to look for Dylan. I saw him standing alone with a cigrette. I went straight to him and said

" Hey Dylan. "

He turned to me, he looked sort of confused and said "yeah?"

"I need to talk to you about Ella. " I said.

"Oh if you are worried about me and her? then there is really nothing. I'm happy for you guys." he said. 

"Stop lying, man. "

" Excuse me?" He said to me while raising his eye brow.

"Look. I know you love her. And she loves you. I get that she doesnt love me. So, I'm here to tell you this that It's time you say it to her. "

" But what about you?" He asked me.

" Haha leave me. Go get your girl! Before someone else does. She's a real special gal. And you must be a special guy too. Because you won her heart. " I said to him. 

He smiled at me and said " Thanks man. "

" And tell her that if she ever needs anyone, I'll be there. And Tell her that it's okay if we never got it right, maybe we're just supposed to be bestfriends. And Tell her that I love her.. as my bestfriend. "

" I will.. " Dylan said to me.

Saying all this made me feel much better. I knew this was the right thing to do. I wish Ella and Dylan the best from the depth of my heart. And now, I need to find Skylar. I need to tell her that I love her. Because, I did. It was also one of the reasons, I didnt put any more effort with Ella. Skylar loved me, and only me. She loved who I was. And I loved who she is. 



As soon as Zac told me to tell Ella how I felt. I knew that there was no need to wait anymore. At first when I saw her with Zac, i was disappointed. I thought I was too late. But not anymore. There's no need to wait. I wanted to tell her at school, but the bell rang. And I couldnt find her anywhere. So, I asked one of her friends, and she said that Ella went home.

So, i went straight home too. I changed into a much decent shirt, bought some flowers for her. I mean, I was going to express my love for her, so I should be well dressed.

I drove to her place, on the way it started to rain, heavily. That's just great! Ugh..

I stopped my car, infront of her place. And took out a rose from the bouqet I bought for her. I rang the bell.. and waited for a minute. She opened the door politely. And looked as beautiful as ever.

Her big chocolater brown eyes looked at me, and she said "Dylan? What are you doing here?"

" Shh. Just come with me. " I said to her with a smile.

She was confused, I can tell. I held her hand softly, and pulled her in the rain.

" What the hell, Dylan! Lets go inside!" She said.

" No. You shutup! I have to tell you something. " i said to her while giving her a serious look.

" Okay.. " she said while biting her lip.

I took a deep breath, and in the pouring rain, I said ;

" I honestly dont give a single shit about Betty. She doesnt matter to me. I have met so many girls, but you're the only one that I want. And these girls are nothing compared to you. Betty may be hot, she can be a supermodel, or be on a magazine cover. It wont ever matter a thing to me. She's no you. You're the only girl I have ever dreamed of. Other girls may have a perfect body, but I perfer the way you move. You're more beautiful and I just want to tell you. That you are all I need. Ella, from the moment I saw you, I fell in love with you. That day at the Gig when we met, and I called you an angel. I meant it. And then when I met you at the party, I wanted to be your friend, I wanted to know you. I was interested in you. And then you told me two dumbheads were fighting on you, and you were so busy talking about them.. You forgot that I can fall in love too. So, I guess I'm the third dumbhead who fell for you. I dont regret a thing. That night when I kissed you at the prom, I meant it. I wanted to kiss you, I just used prom for an excuse. But, I never thought you could fall in love with me. So, I did a stupid mistake. But you're the only one that i want to chase. I promise you that i wont ever let you down. I'll protect you. I'll listen to you. I'll understand you. And you know that I keep my promises. I'll always be faithful to you. I'm not like the other guys you know. I'm different. I'll love you in ways that will just make you wonder. I wont ever let you be bored. I'll make you my first priority. I'm bad, and I'm good. And, you know you want me. The chemistry that we share, is just hard to resist. I dont want another pretty face, I want you. I love all your silly things, Lil' El. So, lets quit wasting time. I want you. I need you. And. I love you, Ella. " 

She had tears in her eyes, she smiled, and said " I love you too, Dylan. " 

I didnt wait any longer. I pulled her closer, I ran my finger through her hair, with the rain falling on our faces, I kissed her. I kissed her like nothing she could have ever imagined. I kissed her so passionately, and gently. With a soft taste of sweetness and love. It was as perfect as I first kissed her. Everytime, I kiss her it's so perfect. She's so Amazing. 

As, we stood in the pouring rain, close to each other. She looked at me and said " It's about time, Dylan."

"Haha, sorry. I know I was late. Arent I always?" I said with a wink.

" What will I say to Zac?" She asked me.

" He's the one who came to me, and told me that I should tell you how I feel. So, you dont need to worry."

" Really? " She said.

"Yeah.. and my Dad and I had a bonding session because of you last night!"

" Seriously?"

" Yess..See you're so lucky for me. "

"Haha, and you're lucky for me. You made all my problems diappear, Dylan. " She said with a smile.

" Well, your wish is my command. " I said with a wink.

She laughed and we went inside..

I was so glad that I had finally told Ella how I felt. And, that she felt the same way about me. For the first time in my life, I felt complete. She was all I ever wanted.


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