Him or Him? I dont know..

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Ughh, I feel so drowsy.. What the hell? *ACHUUUU* Oh great, I have flu. I feel like crap.

"Mom?" I yelled while coming downstair.


"yes, honey!" She said while coming. 

"Oh God, Honey! Are you okay? You look terrible! " She said while placing her hand on my forehead. 

"Yeah.. i feel really bad too" 

"Oh My! You have fever. Lets get  you back to bed." 

"So.. I wont go to school, today?"

"No, I dont think so. You're not at all okay.. " She said.

i went back to my warm, cosy bed. I couldnt stop sneezing. I hate having a flu. My mom gave me some medicines, and kissed me on the cheek. 

"It's getting time for my work. I can skip it if you want me to?" Mom asked me.

"Oh, no. It's alright!"

"Are you sure, honey?"

"Yes, mom."

"Okay, baby"

She hugged me and left for her work.

I texted Zac. "Hey, I'm not coming today. I'm sick. :( " 

He texted back. "Aw, that sucks! Get well soon. :) xx"


I was in bed, when I heard a knock downstairs. Who would it be? Jessica is not home so isnt my mom. I went downstairs to see, I opened the door and it was Zac! 

"Zac, what are you doing here?" I asked him. 

"Well, I was passing by your place. And I saw your mom getting out! I know Jessica wont take care of you so I thought.. maybe I should?"

"Aw, Zac. That's so sweet! But no, you cant miss school!"

"I can. Now shutup! You're not feeling well."

I hugged Zac. And took him to my bedroom.

I laid on my bed, and it seemed like my fever was getting bad. I was literally feeling like crap. Zac was making soup for me. How sweet of him!  

"Zac, this is so sweet of you. That you're taking care of me!"

"Oh, no problem at all."

"Here you go! Your soup, My Royal Highness" Zac said with a smile.

"Haha, thankyou."

I had my soup and Zac stayed right by my side. He went downstairs to get a moisturizer to massage my head.

 "Thankyou for the soup, Zac. It was really good!" 

"Haha, no problem!" He said while placing his soft hands over my head.

He gently started to massage my head, it  felt so nice. I was feeling all relaxed and calm. 

I closed my eyes and said "Zac, I talked to Max about us!"

"Oh, what did he say?"

"Surprisingly he wasnt mad. He took it like a complete gentleman. He's so understanding."

"Wow.. I would have done the complete opposite. He really loves you, El. "

"I know.."

"I just want you to be happy, El" Zac said softly and kissed me on my forehead. 

Zac took care of me, and I actually got better, Hope I dont have to miss school tomorrow! He was so sweet and caring, Like the perfect boyfriend. And Max didnt even reply to my text...

"I hope you're feeling better now!" Zac asked me.

"Yes, I am. I feel great! You're the best Zac!"

"Haha, Take care. ok? Bye" He said and hugged me. 

Zac left and I went back to my bedroom. I checked my phone and there were a bzillion calls from Max. I was about to call him back but I head a knock downstairs.  I opened the door and it was Max! 

"Max? " I asked him puzzled.

"Oh, Ella? Are you okay now? " He asked.

"yeah.. I am?"

"I'm sorry. I just saw your text. I forgot my phone at home today. I didnt see you at school today and I was so worried. You have no idea, the first thing i did when I got home was calling you. But You didnt pick up my calls, So I came to your place!"

I hugged him and said "Aw, Max! That's so cute! I thought you didnt care if I was sick and thats why you didnt reply to me!"

"I wont care? I love you, Ella. I do care" He said and kissed me softly.

I took him upstairs, and we just sat on my bed. I laid my head on his chest, and I was about to tell him that Zac came earliar when I sneezed so loud. Max started laughing his ass off.

"Oh shutup Max! I'm sick"

"hahaha, Your sneeze! Haha, it was so funny!"

"Ughh.. screw you max!"

"You're adorable, Ella." He said and started playing with my hair.

"So.. Zac c-"

I was about to tell him that Zac came earliar when he cut me off and said "Listen, Ella. I dont care if you hang around with Zac. But just dont tell me, It makes me angry. And I dont want to be angry with you!"  

"Sure, no problem!"  

We were just talking when my mom came home. Max stayed for another hour but then he had to go to home.  He left, so I started texting some friends. 

Sara texted me "I missed you at school today. xx" 

"Aw, I missed you too. xx P.s Zac missed school to take care of me!" 

"OMG! he did? He sure loves you, Ella. xx" 

"i know. And then Max came afterwards. xx" 

"Wow, these two sure have feelings for you. :*" 

"I know.. :( " 

"Dont be sad, babe! It'll be okay. Btw Your bestfriend had a fight today with Mary, it was a real show! ;) xx" 

"My bestfriend? who?" 

"Dylan Hawk!" 

"God, no. He's not my bestfriend! and what was the fight about?" 

"I know he aint your bestfriend. I'm just messing with ya! I dont know? xx" 

I texted with Sara for a while, but then I was feeling really sleepy. So, I went to bed. But I kept thinking that why did Dylan and Mary fight? Do they even know each other? .. 



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