Breaking Hearts.

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I woke up on Monday morning, like usual got ready for school. I tried not talking to Zac and Max over the weekend. Because, I knew what I wanted to do. I knew what I wanted to say, so I didnt want  to be distracted. I know that I have to let go of both of them. I have to be strong. I can do this!  


I was walking up to Max's locker. When Dylan joined me in the way.

"Dont worry. El" He said giving me a calm smile.

"I'm not worried. This is the first time I'm actually going to break up with someone!"

"I know.. Want a tip?" He asked.


"Dont be nice! The nicer you'll be, the harder it will be. Just go and be hard! Break his heart!" He said.

"Jeez, thanks!" I said to him in sarcastic way.

I walked upto Max. He did his adorable hair flick, gave me a smile and said "Hey, Ella!"

"Hi, Max.. Um..-"

"Yeah?" he said while staring at me with his green eyes, I could see a little shine of hazel in them, they looked exactly the same way as they looked the first time, I met him. Or..more like ran into him. 

"Max..I-  umm.."

"Ella? Is everything ookay?"

"yeah, everything's okayy.. "


"I just... Cant do this anymore!"

"Do what, Ella?"

"This whole choosing thing! I can't choose, Max! So, I'm letting go of both of you.."

"....Are you breaking up with me?" He said with his sad eyes, and smile on his face just faded away.

"Yes...I hope we can stay friends!"

"..Yea, sure!"

"I'm so so sorry, max!" I said.

"It's alright. I understand, Ella!"

"Max, I feel awful!" I cried.

"..I'll talk to you later.." he said while turning away, I pulled his arm and  said

"Max..Please. listen!"

"Not now, Ella" He said to me in a disappointed way.  

I went back to my class, but I felt like a part of me just died. Max probably never wanted to see my face again. After all he said to me at the park that day, I broke his heart! I hate myself. I felt so guilty. But it was also the right thing to do. I couldnt have them, so I needed to let them go. I still needed to tell Zac, which will obiously be more harder. Since, he's not at all understanding. 

After my class ended, I went straight to the football ground to find Zac, that's where he is usually. I waved at him, so he'd know that I'm waiting for him. He ran towards me, He was in his practice uniform, he was sweating like hell.

"Hey, El" he said to me.

"Hi, Zac!"

"I'd hug you, but I stink." he said with a laugh.

"Yeah! Zac, We need to talk.."

"Oh okay, what's up?"

"Come, sit with me.."

We sat on the benches, I looked at him, took a deep breath and said "Zac, please try to understand what I'm going to tell you now.. It's very hard on me too!" 

"Yeah, sure?"

"This whole thing we done!" I told him.


"Zac, I have made my decision..I'm letting go of both of you!"

"Are you f*cking serious, El?"

"Yes, I'm! And dont shout at me, Zac! It's hard for me too! I love both of you, and I cant choose, So I'm letting go of both of you!"

" You didnt choose him either?"


"Sighh, Ok El. I understand!"

"Really, Zac?"

"yeah, I do. I mean I'm angry..But, I wont shout at you.. I hope we'll be friends!"

"Oh yes, ofcourse!" I said.

"I need to go back to my practice, so I'll see you around?"

"Suree. Zac!" I said with a smile.


So this is it? .... I love Ella. Why cant she see that? I'm feeling like a hopeless creature. I was so sure about Ella, and now I cant even her. This aint fair. It tears my heart apart that she just left.. I cant give up! Not now.. I will get my El back.  Everyone knows that we're meant to be. I mean we're the best friends who grew up together, we're supposed to fall in love, get married and live happily ever after. Isnt this way life should  be? sigh.. 


This has to be one of the worst days of my life. I cant believe I just let go of both of them. Why me? Why does life have to be so mean to me right now? What did I do? What is my fault.. 

As these thoughts were running through my mind, while walking pass the parking lot, all alone, I didnt want to be with anyone right now not even Sara or Nicole, I just wanted to go home and die in this guilt. I could feel the cold breeze on my neck, the winter season had just begun. 

"Yo Ella.. " I heard Dylans deep voice. I kept walking, I didnt want to see his face, or his cheap class jokes. He was probably going to make fun of me for being so overly sensitive.. 

He called up my name again and again and again.. So, I had to turn around. 

"Yes, Dylan?" I said in a frustrated way. 

"You mad bro?" He said with a laugh. 

"Not now... Dylan!" 

"haha, what happened Miss Moody?" 


"Oh c'mon. Lil' El. Tell me?" 

"Well, I did what I had to. I turned both of them down. " 

"Oh I see. Rising above, being mature, ey?" 


"That's good! That's my gall!" 

"Shutup Dylan. " I said while giving his arm a slight punch. 

He held my hand, pulled me closer and hugged me. It wasnt like thoze love sort of hugs? It was more like a friend hug. And it felt great to hug him. I rested my head on his chest, I could feel the warmth of his sweater on my cheek. I hugged him back more tightly. He rubbed his hand on my head so softly.  I felt so secure with him.. I didnt want to let go. But obviously I had to, or Dylan Hawk would be freaked out.. 

"Is this good enough?" He said with a warm smile. 

"Yes.. Thanks Dylan!" 

"Sometimes a person needs a hug!" 

"I didnt knew you were a hugger though?" I said in a puzzeled way. 

"I'm not. I just hug.. special people!" He said with a wink and walked away. 

Even though my life was being a total pain for me, and everything else was falling apart, I actually made a good friend, Dylan. To everyone he may be an asshole, but I could see the brighter side in him. And I can see that he actually liked me.. just as a friend. 


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