I want to know you.

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Next Day after school Nicole, Sara, Ashley, Emily and I went to do some prom dress shopping. I still didnt tell anyone that I was going to the prom with Dylan. Because I knew they would kill me. You see, no one really *likes* Dylan.. Since, he doesnt have a very good reputation but I think He's a great guy. 

We all were searching for a nice dress to wear, while Ashley went to try hers.

"So what do you guys think?" She asked.

I turned around, and BAM! that dress was like made for her. It was blue fluffy dress, which matched her pierching blue eyes. 

"Oh God, This dress is perfect for you Ashley!" I said. 

"I know right? I'm getting it!" She replied.

After doing some shopping, we all were headed home. It wasnt a big success for me, as  I couldnt find anything good. Ashley and Sara got a dress. Nicole and Emily couldnt really make up their mind. I guess I'll just wear one of Jessica's old dresses. I wasnt really in the whole Prom Mood. Especially considering my date would be Dylan. I mean I did enjoy Dylan, but he wasnt the guy for me. Prom is something i will rememeber for the rest of my life. I guess, I'll never have my perfect fairytale moment, where you're just dancing under the light, and then he kisses you and you feel sparks all around. Dylan would be too busy looking for some girl to hook up with.. Ugh.. 

        I was about to get home, when I got a call from Dylan. He wanted to hang out, as I didnt have anything to do, so I told him sure. He invited me to his place. 

I went over to his place. It was completely empty. I could tell he was an only child, It's so weird how I know nothing about his family. how many siblings he has? or about his parents? nothing.. 

I was going towards his room, where I saw his family pictures hanging on the wall. There were baby pictures of him and another girl, I guess his sister? It's weird how he never told me he has a sister? And then there was a picture of his parents, They looked like a good looking rich couple, his mom was gorgeous, I guess that's where he gets his good looks from. 

I knocked on his door.

"Come in." He said.

"Hey, Dylan.." I said with a smile on my face.

He was playing his xbox, but he paused his game, gave me a smile and said "Heyy Ella. Come on in."

I closed the door, sat on his bed and said " So, what're we going to do?"

"Anything.." He said and sat next to me.

"Okayy.. what's up with you? You look a little pissed. "

"My dad.. He's just being an ass." Dylan said with anger.

"God, Dylan. You shouldnt say that! He's your dad! I bet he has his reasons!"

"Huh. He's not like your dad, Ella. My Dad really is an asshole!"

"Oh c'mon dylan. What happened?" I said .

Dylan looked away and said "Nothing.."

"No, you tell me!"

"Well, what he usually does! He said I'm a failure, a loser, an embarassement! To do hell with him" 

"Aww, Dylan. C'mon. Spit your anger away. Lets talk about it?" I said.

"No. I dont like to talk about my feelings like you. I'm not a sissy" He shouted and went to his dressing room.  

I followed him and saw him facing the wall. He suddenly gave the wooden wall a bang and said "I'm sorry, Ella. I called you here and then I shouted at you.. I'm just a little angry."

"Oh no it's fine, Dylan. I'm here if you wanna talk?" I said and rubbed my hand on his back.

He turned around, gave me a smile and said "Talk about what?"

I grabbed his hand, and made him sit with me on the floor of the dressing room, and said

" Talk to me about everything? Dylan, you and I are friends. And you're also taking me to the prom, So tell me about yourself? Like do you have any siblings? about your parents? Anything? I just... I want to know  you. " 

He took a deep breath and said " Okay. Well, I had an older sister, Danielle. She died last year..Actually she killed herself. .."

"Oh My God, Dylan. I'm so sorry." I said.

"No, it's fine.. And my mom died when I was born. My father hates me, because he thinks that I was the reason my mom died... so yeah, basically my family is dead. " he said while faking a smile. 

"Dylan.... I dont know what to say.. Uh, I'm so sorry about everything! I just wish I could make you feel better.. " 

"Haha, I know what you're thinking. What a troubled fellow? Right? Yeah, well that's me. I'm a messed up kid. " 

"You're not messed up, Dylan. You're a great guy!" 

"Only you say. My own father hates me, everyone at school hates me, no one ever cared about me. I was brought up by my maids and servants. " 

"I dont care about anything. I dont hate you, Dylan! I would never hate you!" 

"Thanks..  I guess?"  he said. 

"Tell me about your sister?" I said softly. 

"What do you want to know?" 

"Well, you never mentioned her? I never knew you even had a sister..?" 

"yeah, nobody knows about her. She was 23 when she died. She was living in new york, she was more of a party girl. My dad didnt really like her because she was a bit reckless, careless. But c'mon she was just a girl. She was studying the modern Art. She was really beautiful, full of life I tell you. If you have ever met her, you would have loved her. She was different.. She was in a relationship with a guy for five years, and she found out he was cheating on her. She got so depressed, that she came back here. My dad like usual called her a mess and stupid. She was really sensitive, and couldnt bare it. She took some sleeping pills... and never woke up.." He said while his eyes were filled with tears. 

I hugged him quickly and said " I'm so sorry, dylan. I'm sorry that you had to face that. It's going to be alright, I promise. " 

He hugged me back and said  " She was so young, Ella! So what if she made a mistake? we all do, right? She didnt have to die for that!" 

"I know, Dylan... I know. But, she's in a better place now.. I'm so sorry. "   I said. 

Dylan quickly wiped away his tears and said "Wow, I guess I'm a sissy. " 

"No, you're not. You've gone through so much! You're so strong, Dylan!" 

"Haha.. So yeah, that's pretty much everything about me! And ever since Danielle died, nothing has been the same. My dad has always been an ass, and Danielle was the only thing holding the family together. Since she's not here. there's no family. And well, My dad is the same.." 

"I promise you, Dylan that everything will be okay. Your universe will be back to normal,  I swear. " I said with a smile. 

"Fingers crossed. " He said with a laugh.. 

Dylan Hawk, was so much more than just a rich bad boy. A side which I had never saw, was exposed before me. I was just astonished to find out about his sister. I thought my life was hard, but actually my life was completely fine. Dylan never even showed anyone his true side. And all these years, everyone has been hating on him! When in reality, he's a lonely boy who misses his sister and his family. How can his dad hate him? All my thoughts about Dylan had been changed, I started to see him with a different aspect, I started to see him not like an asshole like everyone saw him, I started to see him as a guy with a great heart. He was different. 


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