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I guess, I really messed up. Why do I always do that? Ugh, I hate myself. Cant believe that I hurt Ella. One person who actually believed in me, and I even ruined that. She will probably never talk to me. . Why did I kiss her? Why did I even talk to her? I should have never been her friend. I'm such an idiot. I called her, I texted her. No reply. I think I should leave her alone. She must be broken now.. Wish i can be there for her, I wish I can help her out. Maybe I cant, I should ask one of her friends to look after her. So, i called up Zachery Millers. 

"Hello Zac?" I said.

"Um, yes. Dylan Hawk is that you?" He said.

"Ah yeah. Man, can you do me  a favour?"

"Um.. sure?"

"Listen, you're really good friends with Ella. So I think you should be with her right now. She would need a friend right now. "

"Why? What happened? Is everything okay?"

"Um.. well. Yeah. So you can maybe, go and check on her?"

"Okay.. I'll go."

"thanks man. "

"Anything for Ella. " He said.

"Yea. Bye," I said and hung up.  

I was confused, and more importantly I wasnt ready to let go of Ella. I hate this hopeless feeling. I hate myself for making her feel like that. I'm such an idiot.  



I was just lying on my bed. And all I can think about is Dylan. And, I cant believe that I misunderstood. I cant just.. get over it. I wish I wish I would've never met him. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I didnt get up to check it. Because I didnt want to see anyone. I hate everyone. So, I kept lying in my bed, but then I slowly the door opened and Zac took a step inside. I didnt even get up, I just stared at him. He was looking a bit confused, I could tell it from his hazel eyes.  

"You okay, El?" He said softly.

"Never been better. " I said.

He came and layed next to me. He put his hand under his head, licked his lip and said while looking at the roof " Remember we wanted to play dodge the ball with the roof, and the ball came and hit me straight on my nose."

I laughed and said "yeah.."

" We knew that it was  a stupid idea, but we tried it anyway. Because we all learn for our mistakes."


"So, whatever you did. It's okay.. You learned from that. You will be fine, El. We all will be just fine."

"I know..I fell for him, Zac. I fell in love with Dylan. You were so right!"

"It's okay, El. It's okay.."

"And you know what the worst part is? He didnt even know. He didnt notice the way I fell so hopelessly in love with him. And, I hate him for that! I hate him so much.."

"Really? I cant believe that. How can someone not fall in love with you? You're so loveable, El. I know that because I'm still not over you.."

I smiled and said " This world is so crazy. "

"True.. " Zac said looking at me.

"I'm sorry about everything between us."

"It's okay, El. Do you wanna order pizza?"

"Yea, I'm really hungry. Crying makes you hungry.. How weird no?"

"Very.." said Zac.


Next Day. 


I was waiting for Dylan in the parking lot. Not because I was missing him, or something. But, because I needed to talk to him. I needed to tell him everything I was feeling; Miserable.  I knew exactly what I wanted to say to him. Zac was really nice to me, yesterday. I still have no idea how he found out. 

Dylan just came out of his car, he looked.. sad? He wasnt even dressed like he usualy is. He wasnt wearing his Aviators, or had his hair styled. He had a very rough look, it didnt even look like he shaved. He lit up his cigrette and was walking quietly, looking down.

I called his name out loud "Dylan Hawk!"

He stopped and turned around, and said "Ella.."

I walked upto him and said " I need to say something to you. "

He took a deep breath and said " Okay.. "

I bit my lip and looked straight into his piercing ocean blue eyes and said

" I hate you, Dylan. I hate you so much. I hate your name and your face. I hate the way you look at me. I hate the way you say my name. I hate the way you can make me laugh. I hate the fact that you can sing so well. I hate your blue eyes. I hate how you kissed me that night. I hate that I fell for it. I hate the fact that you didnt. I hate the way you're so attracted to Betty. I hate that I'll never be like her. I hate that I love you. I hate the way you care for me. I hate the way you understood me. I hate that I hate you. Ughh.. I just.. I just hate you. "  

 Dylan kept quiet, I could see that the way he felt was completely broken, he said " I'm sorry that you hate, I'm sorry that things didnt work out. I'm not going to stop you or whatsoever. Just be happy. And, I'll see you around. " 

He said that, and quietly walked away. So, I guess this is it. Pathetic!


I understood that Dylan doesnt love me. Fine. But how can I move on when I'm still in love with him and all his little things? I cant tell anyone or show how much I miss him.. I will put an act that i really dont give a shit that he's not around anymore.. This is the only way out.  

I was sitting in the cafeteria with Zac. Lately he's been spending so much time with me. And, I'm so glad to be around him. He really takes my mind off Dylan. Everything was going fine, when I saw Dylan enter with Betty. That's all it took to bring me to tears. I couldnt be in the same place as him. So, I quickly got up, avoided an awkward eye contact with him or his new 'girlfriend' and just walked outside. Zac followed me.  

I took a deep breath and said to Zac "You should go inside. You really dont have to do this!"

"But, I want to. I want to be there for you. " He said while placing his hand softly on my shoulder.

"I cant believe it. I'm so stupid. " I said with tears in my eyes.

"No, you're not. You made a mistake! It's completely okay..Plus, I think you're adorable not stupid."

"Oh, Zac.. And ofcourse  he would choose Betty. She's so gorgeous and all. I'm just silly.." 

"That's not true, Ella. That Betty whatsoever didnt catch my eye. You caught my eye. " Zac said while giving me a smile. 

I smiled back at him, and huged him. It felt so nice, to be in his arms. I felt like I was safe and sound.  It was so much comforting.


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