Half of My Heart.

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I was telling Nicole about the amazing date I had with Max last night. And how romantic it was. She always loves to hear about dates and all. She loves talking about "Love" . Hahaha.

It was our P.E Period. I was wearing our regular P.E uniform which is blue & yellow Shorts and a shirt. As I was streching on the bench, I saw that the football team were practicing in the ground. I saw Zac too. He had just scored a goal. He walked upto the water table, and opened a bottle of water. He was sweating as hell. He took off his shirt, and started sprinking water all over himself, He was probably feeling really hot. He has perfect toned muscular arms and a six pack. He has a body like a Jockey Model, no shit. While drooling over his perfect body, I didnt even realize I was at the edge of the bench and damnn, I fell down. That's just great. I got up, all red in the face and there he was staring at me when I fell down, He gave me sort of a wink and walked away. 

Oh why does he have to be so perfect? And, I'm such a mess. Why does he even like me? Ugh.. 

Ever since the P.E period, All I  have been thinking about is Zac.. It's weird. 

The last peiod was English, I didnt want to attend. I wanted to stare at Zac, God, I'm such a stalker. So I bunked the period. I was walking alone in the school ground when I saw Zac was practicing some goals, all alone, shirtless... Seriously! Shirtless, Are you kidding me? 

"Ever heard of a shirt, mister?" i shouted to Zac.

He turned around and said "haha. ermm.. why you mind it?"

"Erm.. Not at all" I said with a wink.

he started laughing.

"Why arent you talking to me, Zac?" I asked him.

"Oh.. well, I dont want to answer that" he said while walking away.

"No.. Zac, Stop! Tell me.. naww" I followed him.

He ignored me and started walking towards the gym lockers. I followed him there. He opened up his locker and said "Ella, please. Lets just leave this. ok?"

"No. I dont want to!" I said in a stubborn way and placed my hand on his perfectly toned muscular arm.

"You want to know why?" He asked.

"yes.." I replied.

he placed my hand on his chest, right above his heart so that I could feel his heart beat and he said softly "Because... everytime i see you with that guy Max, my heart hurts. It hurts so much that i dont have you. It hurts, everytime.."

I hugged him and started crying. "I'm so sorry. I cant believe that I'm hurting you. After all you've done for me, I'm such a horrible person" I said while hugging him tightly.

"Oh babe.. " he said softly while placing his hands on my waist.

I couldn't control it anymore. I pushed him to his locker, and just kissed him. I couldnt resist him anymore. the heat was intense. While our lips were moving in a perfect sync, it felt like flames of passion were bursting. He started to run his fingers through my hair, and we made out.. 

As our lips became apart, I could breath him in.

He looked me in the eyes and said " I love you.." 

" But.. " I said. He put his finger on my lips and said "Shh.. I don't care what your  answer is. I just love you, and I want you to know that" 

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left me completely puzzled, and walked out of the gym lockers.


So we made out? So I told her I love her? Ugh.. I probably messed more things for her. I should probably go home now before I grab more girls and tell them I love them. I'm such a fool. What is wrong with me? But the kiss was so amazing. It was like the best thing ever. She smells like apples and strawberry. Like the sweetest thing on the face of the planet!  I really do love this girl. She makes me go crazy. 





I just made out with Zac. Oh No!  What about Max? Oh shit. shit.shit.shit. But It was so amazing. I cant deny that. i cant push that thought aside. It was breathless. 

"Hey Beautiful" Max said from the back.  

"Oh Hi.." i said.

"You're leaving for home?" he asked.

"yes, I am." I said.

"Well, you could've told me. I wanted to walk you there"  He said with a smile.

"Aww, Max. you're so sweet!" i said.

He held my hand and walked me to home.. I love how his green eyes shine when he's really happy. And how his hair comes at front of his yes, so he does this sexy hair flick. 

"So erm.. I guess I'll see you tomorrow" He said.

"Sure, babe" I replied.

He pulled me in closer and kissed me. I love how he kisses so sweetly. It's like Honey and chocolate.  

"So.. call me tonight, ok?" I told him.

"Sure thing.. And um btw, I love you" He said while raising both his eyebrows giving me puppy doll look.

"Ahh.. um?" I mumbled. 

"haha, dont worry. You can tell me later" he said with a wink and walked away.

I got inside my house and WAIT  WHAT! I was the forever alone sort of retard. And NOW, TWO GUYS. TWO GUYS IN ONE DAY ARE TELLING ME THAT THEY LOVE ME? what is happening to the world? ... 


I'll write the next chapter soon. Tell me what do you think? Who will Ella choose? Zac or Max? Hmmm.. ;) xx Vote & comment!  

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