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\\EDITED CHAPTER 8/13/16 11:11 AM//

(this was EDITED not REWRITTEN)


When I woke up, I saw a familiar blonde British hottie wrapped around me.

"Thomas get off of me," I whined, wiggling him around,

He groaned, rubbing his eyes," What the bloody time is it," Thomas asked, continuing to wrap his arms around my waist.

I looked at the desk clock.

"7 AM," I whispered, not wanting to wake up anyone.

Thomas groaned, getting up.

He walked to the bathroom, came back to the bed to give me a kiss on the cheek, and walked back to the restroom .

I blushed, getting my clothes out.

I got a white "adventure with me" muscle shirt thing with ripped denim jeans. I chucked on a beige knit cardigan and my coral converse. I then wrapped a blue scarf around my neck.

Once I finished changing, Thomas knocked on the restroom door," Is it safe to come in?" He asked.

I chuckled," Yeah!" I said back.

He came back in, putting his pajamas back into his suitcase.

I saw him get a cup of water, but I shrugged it off, thinking he was just thirsty.

Then, I hear a scream.

"HOLY SHIT I HAVE MORNING CRAMPS, THOMAS!!" The not-so-manly voice screamed.

Ugh, Dylan.

I ran to his room, seeing him drenched with water.

I then looked at Thomas, and he sheepishly smiled.

"Thomas," I said, crossing my arms.

"Maybelle," he said, mocking me.

I rolled my eyes, slapping his chest.

I gave Dylan a towel and Ki Hong came in to see the commotion.

"Dude what is going on. Did something happen to Kaya? I heard her scream," Ki Hong said, looking at us.

Thomas and I pointed at Dylan.

Dylan wiped off the water from his face, looking mad at the blonde boy.

Ki Hong then made an 'oh' face and stepped backwards, going back to his room.

I threw Dylan a towel, going back in my room.

Then, Thomas followed.

We both sat on the bed, enjoying the silence.

"We leave tomorrow," Thomas said, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I'm gonna miss this place," I whispered, soaking in the silence while it lasts.


Thomas gave me a flashlight.

"Wear something warm for tonight," he said, walking back to the rooms to wake up the rest.

I shrugged, picking out something to wear. I picked out a 'Badlands' sweater I got from a Halsey concert recently and gray sweatpants. This works. I lied it down on my bed, going outside to meet everyone.

"What are we doing?" I asked, waving my flashlight around the beautiful, starry night.

"MIDNIGHT HIKE!!" Thomas screamed, waking up the silence of nature.

"But it's 9 pm," Will said, looking at his watch.

"And I don't wanna walk," Ki Hong said with sass.

"C'mon guys! I think it'll be fun!" Kaya said with excitement.

I shrugged, looking at Dylan.

We had this thing where we could speak with our eyes and mind.

(i wrote that sentence ^ a long time ago and it's just so stupid that i don't wanna delete it)

He then moved his eyes and I could tell he didn't wanna go.

I looked at him and 'told' him it would be fine.

I felt stares around us.

"What are you guys doing?" Will asked.

"It's a sibling thing," Dylan and I said in unison.

We all decided it would be fun and walked to the mountains.

Thomas decided it would be fun to not have the flashlights on.

That stupid egg.

So, here we were. With no particular path in mind, we walked to no where.

Thomas was leading and I was behind him, looking up at the countless stars.

I counted all the stars my eyes could see and counted all the times i crunched a leaf. The owls were 'who-ing' and my mind went off to a different world. This was amazing.

Thomas kept on going until he found a little pond with a tree and stump. Flowers were everywhere and vines hid this place a little so it was barely noticeable.

"Woah," we all gasped, looking at this place.

I took a stick, writing symbols on the dirt, signaling we were here.

We all took a seat on a stump and started a fire on the firepit.

"Scary story?" Dylan asked, smirking.

Cheers and nods were passed around.

"Well," Dylan started,"One dark night, a 15-year old girl named Lydia was walking home from her friend's house. She turned down a narrow street to take a short cut and was startled by the sight of an old man standing in her path. When she stopped, the old man turned to her and in a hoarse voice said "Tell me the way!"

His face was disgusting, his skin covered in scars and boils, his hair stringy and unkempt, his eyes bulging horribly, almost popping out of their sockets. Lydia was terrified. She was alone in a dark and narrow alleyway with a strange and disturbing person. Her heart began pounding and it took her a few seconds to catch her breath.

"Tell me the way!", the old man demanded.

"OK... OK...uh.... Where are you going?", asked Lydia, nervously.

When the old man told her the address he was searching for, a chill ran down her spine. It was her house.

"I don't know where that is", she replied curtly as she pushed past the old man and ran down the alleyway. Glancing back, she could see him standing in the alley, watching her flee.

Lydia was so freaked out by the incident that she didn't stop running until she got back to her house. Breathing a sigh of relief, she took out her keys. She looked up and down the street to make sure the old man hadn't followed her. It was empty.

She turned the key, unlocked the door and pushed it open.

From the darkness inside her house, a hoarse voice said "Tell me the way!"

"The end," Dylan smiled at us, laughing at our worries faces.

"Dylan," Will started.


"Fuck you."


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