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yes i know, i said chapter 18 was going to be the last one. but i kept getting anxiety from how i ended it cause since i'm not really into thomas anymore, i didn't bother keeping this a "lovey" fanfic. but i'm continuing now so my stress can finally go away :')


(a year before they had a child)

Thomas' POV

Today was the day. Today was the day I marry my best friend and tell her how much she means to me. Though, I'm pretty sure she already knows her placement in my heart.

I was never really good at expressing my feelings, but just seeing her laugh with my other friends made me feel giddy inside.

I had no plan.

I had no plan for this wedding but I knew I wanted to do it right away--no waiting through the process of engagement to marriage.

I didn't want to elope, I wanted it to be special--for her.

Maybelle deserves all the love I have. I want her to feel loved when I give her light kisses on the neck or run out every morning to buy her a rose and tell her how gorgeous she looks today.

I went out the balcony to see my girlfriend staring out at the night sky with hope fulfilling her eyes.

"Hey Maybelle," I smiled at her, trying to stop my everlasting gaze on her beautiful smile.

"Hi Thomas. What's wrong? You seem nervous," Maybelle frowned, taking ahold of my hand and light kissing my knuckles.

I smiled and leaned into her neck, "I love you, you know that?"

"I damn well know it," she laughed, caressing my hair.

"And if any guy tries to take you away from me, you better expect me to go ape shit," I joked.

She laughed with enthusiasm and I could feel her heart speeding up.

I lifted my head from her neck, staring into her eyes.

I leaned down on one knee.

"Maybelle," I started.


"I want to be with you every step of the way. I'm never anyone's first choice but you made me your top priority. You made sure I was happy before you were, you cared for me when I was down, and you loved me when I was starting to lose hope of whatever love was. Your laughter is the only thing that starts my day and I want it to be the thing that I hear when my day starts to end. May we be able to play the long run--will you marry me?" I asked, taking out the custom designed ring I got last week.

"Thomas, oh god, Thomas. I love you so fucking much. Damn right I'm saying yes," she grinned with tears running down her face.

I laughed out of excitement and stood up to hug her in the most passionate way I could. We leaned in for a kiss, and I damn well knew that I would never find sadness again because Maybelle, I love you.

The End


brother's best friend - thomas brodie sangsterWhere stories live. Discover now