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\\REWRITTEN CHAPTER 7/30/16 10:46 PM//

"hey, you wanna get coffee later?" thomas asked me, scratching the back of his neck.

"yeah, sure! what time?" i asked, ruffling my hair.


"ok, i'll see you then," i smiled warmly at him.

thomas did a sigh of relief and smiled back, giving me a small nod before walking away.

dylan walked towards me, "ready?"

"yeah," i answered, walking out the door.

-time skip-

as i was spraying some dry shampoo in my hair, i picked out an oversized adidas sweater and some black skinny jeans rolled up on the ankles.

i did the base of my makeup routine, including a very bright highlight and dark contour.

i gave myself a small glance to make sure everything was intact, and then proceeded to wait for thomas.

"hey where are you going all of a sudden?" dylan asked, walking into my room.

"thomas asked me out to coffee," i replied, scrolling through my twitter.

i replied to some of the tweets i got.

as i looked up at dylan, all i saw was his mouth gaped open.

"w-w--h-how, what? w-when w-w-was this?!" dylan exclaimed.

"oh chill out, grandma," i rolled my eyes, "he asked me out today and i said sure."

dylan still had his mouth open.

"stop making it look like you're ready for some di-" i started.

"don't you dare finish that sentence," dylan warned, pointing a finger at me.

i bursted out laughing, ending with his laughing too.

time skip to thomas arriving

"hey, maybelle!" thomas greeted, awkwardly raising his hand to wave at me.

i laughed and saluted him back, "hey there."

then, dylan opened the door wider to reveal himself, "hey, sangster."

"u-uh hi there, dylan," thomas nervously stuttered, messing up his hair.

dylan did a little intimidating nod and walked away, chewing on his banana. ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

"shall we go?" i asked, getting tired of dylan's antics.

"yeah, let's," thomas replied, slowly bringing his hand out for me to grab.

i gently locked our hands together and we walked to his car.

(im getting a hand spasm from writing)

we started singing our hearts out to the most mainstream songs ever, rolling down the windows and eventually getting some fans that noticed thomas.

since this was a more casual date, we were just going to the coffee shop to chill because thomas is a 'high key hipster,' as he called himself.

we finally got to the shop, the smell of vibrant flavors hit me all at once.

i did a small laugh, remembering how dylan got his finger stuck in the hole of one of the seats here.

thomas grabbed my hand and took me to the ordering side.

the warm radiations that traveled through my arm made me lose track, until he had to snap in front of my face and ask what i wanted.

"uh--i'll just get the brewed caramel coffee," i replied, not actually wanting to drink it. i just got a drink that would suffice the cashier's patience.

we got sat at the booths, slowly sipping on our warm drinks.

we talked the whole way through, sometimes even slowly leaning in--but we never did anything romantic.

i laughed as i told thomas the story of how dylan got his finger stuck in the seat, as thomas then pointed to a small hole in the seat we were at.

i laughed even harder, and so did he as he tried wiggling his finger inside to see how dylan managed to get stuck.

"there's no way this goof would be able to get his finger stuck in this, it just isn't bloody possible!" thomas exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"dylan's a strange one," i replied, rubbing my tired eyes.

it wasn't late--i was just tired because of how much we talked and laughed this whole day.

"are you getting tired, love?" thomas asked, smiling at me.

"just a little bit," i smiled.

"then let's head out," he replied, grabbing both our empty cups and throwing it away.

i smiled brightly and grabbed his warm, frail hands, walking out the door and into the cold night.

"i would offer to give you my sweater but this is the only thing i have on," thomas cheekily smiled, scratching the back of his neck.

"i'm wearing a sweater, doofus," i laughed, playfully pushing him with my shoulder.

"it's still a manly thing to do on a date."

time skip to maybelle's house

we were just sat in the car, covered in the soothing noises of nature.

"maybelle," thomas chuckled to himself, "i know it's weird considering we barely know each other, but i like you a lot," he whispered.

i smiled at the shyly grinning boy, "well what a coincidence because i like you too," i whispered back.

he faced me, and i faced him.

we started leaning in with out knowing, our lips barely touching.

"SANGSTER, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING TO MY SISTER?" dylan could be heard from outside the car, chewing on yet another banana.

i groaned, hearing thomas slightly exhale from our close position.

i leaned back onto the car seat.

"goodbye, thomas," i whispered.

"goodnight, love" he whispered back, grazing his thumb over my hand.

i got out the car and glared at dylan.

"what?" he asked innocently, shoving the last of his banana into his mouth.

i huffed and walked into my room.

god, thomas was perfect.


sorry for the slow rewrites!!

brother's best friend - thomas brodie sangsterWhere stories live. Discover now