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Okay wow I have not been on here for the longest time ever! But I just recently reread my book (only halfway though—I couldn't make it through the whole thing) and I realized i messed up on some parts! When the whole crew were going to Malibu, I had written saying that May and Thomas were not going out even though in the previous chapters, Thomas asked her out already! When writing the Malibu chapter, I had totally forgotten that he asked her out because again, it's been soooo long and I have the memory of a goldfish! So I'm so sorry for the confusion and my sloppy writing back in 2016!!

ALSO I've never really cared too much about how many reads this had because it didn't really matter that much to me, but I'm nearly at 40k and that is SOO fucken shocking like you guys actually went out of your way to read this load of dirt!!!!!!

But THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU from the depths of my heart I am so grateful to be on this journey with you all!

Also, I read all your comments and I'm always dying of laughter whenever you guys freak out in the comment section. I hear you! I'm listening to your complaints and concerns! Please do not think I don't see your comment just because I don't reply. In reality, I'm super awkward and shy so I haaate talking to people, even online!

Anyway, if you want someone to hear about your problems, I will 100% see it and I will try soooooo hard to be comforting! Private message me if you need anything :~) I love you all and happy (late) new years!


(Also my username is so funny to me hdjfhsjf)

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