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\\EDITED CHAPTER 8/13/16 11:01 AM//

(this was EDITED not REWRITTEN)



All 6 of us walked down the long aisle, pushing through crowds trying to make it to our flight.

I held onto Dylan the whole way because I never flown in an airplane before, so I don't know where to go.

Once we finally made it to the plane, we looked for our seats in first class.

There were three chairs on each aisle. It was Dylan, me, and Thomas in one and Will, Kaya, and Ki Hong in another.


well got damn lady, chill out.

Then, I felt the plane beginning to take off. I held onto Thomas's and Dylan's hands, mostly holding onto Thomas more.

"Sh, it's ok, love," Thomas cooed, caressing my hand.

I sighed, looking out the window.

"Woah," I gasped, looking at the amazing lands around us.

We were flying with the clouds and birds with the trees and cars below us.

Thomas held onto my hand and looked outside.

"That's the second most beautiful thing in here," he said, kissing my cheek.

"you're so fucking cheesy," i laughed at him.

I smiled and hugged his arm, getting death stares from Dylan.

"I think you're beautiful too, Dylan," Thomas sighed, rolling his eyes.

Dylan smiled and clapped.

The flight attendant came to us.

"Would you guys like something to eat?" She asked, motioning to her tray.

"We'll each have the oatmeal please," Thomas said, smiling politely at her.

She looked deeply into his eyes and kept staring at Thomas.

I shifted around a little, because this was uncomfortable to watch.

The lady had the fakest (IS THAT A WORD BC AUTOCORRECT SAID IT WASNT LOL) blonde hair ever. She had a shit ton of makeup and her buttoned shirt were missing 3 buttons away the top, exposing her chest.

"Do you need something?" Thomas asked, looking at the lady.

"Um-Er no, sorry," she said, looking at our hands intwined together.

She gave us our oatmeal and wrote her number down on a card.

"Call me," she said, slipping the card in Thomas's shirt pocket.

Once she walked away, I bursted out laughing.

Dylan laughed with me and Thomas looked annoyed.

He ripped the card and put it in the trash.

"Aw but you didn't even get to call her," I said, brushing his hair away from his face.

"Well, I already have a special lady in mind," Thomas said, looking at me.

"oh shut up," i replied, giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek.

"Ahem," Dylan coughed, pointing to his cheek.

brother's best friend - thomas brodie sangsterWhere stories live. Discover now