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\\REWRITTEN CHAPTER 8/13/16 11:53 AM//


this chapter was really stupid and i'm not in the mood to rewrite but it's honestly so cringey so i sort of have to.


we all laughed at will's and dylan's banter, enjoying the silence that came after.

"shall we leave? we have a plane to catch tomorrow night and most of us havent packed yet," kaya suggested, hugging her jacket closer to her body.

we all agreed and got up, walking back to the house.

i held tightly onto thomas's delicate hands, scared of the path in front of us.

"don't worry, love. i'll always be right next to you," he whispered in my ear.

i smiled warmly at him, "i know."

suddenly, the mood changed when ki hong decided to play music.

it started off with some guns n roses until kaya screamed at him to change it to troye sivan.

"didn't we meet troye last year?" dylan asked.

"yeah! he was so nice!" kaya exclaimed.

we walked down the road of adventure, the voice of troye blasting through our veins.

-time skip to the morning-

"thomas, get off of me," i whined at the blonde boy that was wrapped tightly around my torso.

"five more minutes, mum," he replied, snuggling deeper into my chest.

i groaned, getting on my phone.

i scrolled through twitter, answering some questions that my followers sent to me.

i tweeted out saying "tfw someone won't let go of your waist."

i instantly got replies of people saying "who" or "is it thomas??"

i ignored them, turning off my phone and releasing thomas's grasp on me.

he pouted.

"i have to pee," i whined at him, and he laughed.

i walked to the restroom and did all my essentials.

i walked to the closet and grabbed a "dylan o'brien is king" sweater that he got me for christmas and ripped black jeans.

i french braided my long hair.

i didn't put on any makeup considering we were going on a plane.

i walked downstairs, greeting everyone.

"i like your sweater," dylan smiled, eating his banana.

"oh shut up," i said.

i was only wearing this because i had nothing else to wear.

"i should make a 'thomas sangster is my boyfriend' sweater for you," thomas innocently suggested, shrugging.

i laughed at him and grabbed a pillow, smacking him with it.

"you DID NOT just say that," dylan sassily asked, gasping a thomas.

"square up, mate," thomas smiled.

"oh it's on, sangster," dylan replied, narrowing his eyes at thomas.

brother's best friend - thomas brodie sangsterWhere stories live. Discover now