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\\REWRITTEN CHAPTER 7/10/16 11:24 PM//


"AND ACTION!" the (before i rewrote this chapter, i wrote "the large man" and your comments were HELLA funny about how wes ate too much) man yelled, clapping the clapper thingy. (10/10)

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" teresa yelled from the tower, throwing things at the guys.

"i don't think she likes us very much," newt implied, hiding under the board. (i forgot this scene so sorry if i messed up some parts)

then dylan, or thomas, came in the shot, yelling about how he was going to come up.

seeing dylan act so serious was never one of my usual aspects so it made me feel a bit proud of him.

as dylan was on the tower, kaya threatened him with a sharp object.

i laughed a bit at that part.

newt quickly averted his eyes toward me since he was out of the shot, and winked.

i did a small salute back towards him and smiled.

"AND CUT! 5 MINUTE BREAK!" wes, i suppose, yelled.

dylan ran up to me, "so? how was i?!"

"i've never seen you so serious before, dyl!" i laughed.

"by the way, you reek," i stated, shoving him away from me.

"aw, c'mon guys. let's all have a group hug!" dylan yelled to everyone, squishing me.

thomas was the next to hug me while everyone else piled on.

his face was in the crook of my neck and i could feel his laughs on my skin which made my heart flutter a bit.

although everyone smelled, i could still smell thomas's warm essence of mint and vanilla.

i'm not implying that i have some sort of an attraction to thomas, it's just with every movement he does, it makes me smile.

finally we all released as i just started complaining.

"oh we weren't that bad! man up, grandma," thomas playfully said, giving me a delicate shove.

"you need a shower," i playfully retorted back, giving him a shove.

everyone was away by now, chatting amongst themselves while thomas and i were bantering away.

"so is dylan a bit--" thomas started.

"protective?" i finished, raising an eyebrow.

"correct!" he agreed, clicking his tongue and waving 2 fingers at me. (that sounds weird. bc i meant like he did that guy thing and had one finger on one hand and another finger on the other hand like a gun motion but i'll stop talking now this is confusing)

(ayy if you remember that part of my story, you a true og mvp)

i snorted and lightly pushed his chest while still laughing.

i'm not gonna lie, he looks like he has a scrawny body but i literally could feel his muscles through his shirt.

thomas smiled at me with joy in his warm, brown eyes.

"maybelle, can i get your number?" thomas slowly asked, raising his eyes toward me.

"yeah, of course," i exclaimed, handing him my phone.

he put in his number on my phone, naming himself "sangster" while sending himself a text so he could get my number.

"thank you, love," thomas smiled, walking away.

"anytime, mr. sangster."


brother's best friend - thomas brodie sangsterWhere stories live. Discover now