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"Chop, chop! We have a plane to get to," Dylan yelled, throwing his hands in the air.

It took awhile for Thomas and I to fully convince Dylan that nothing will go wrong between our relationship and that we know exactly what we're doing. I hope.

"Shut up! I think I'll do better without you nagging me!" I playfully shouted, dragging my suitcase behind me.

I was wearing my black Adidas hoodie with gray sweats and my white converse. I feel really trapped when I wear tight clothing on the plane.

We were heading to Albuquerque, New Mexico for the shooting of The Scorch Trials. Although I was totally confused on why I had to come, Dylan forced me to anyways. (omg not force like frickle frackle force)


"Mayyy, I'm bored," Thomas whined, finding comfort in the crook of my neck.

I smiled, staring down at the dirty blonde haired boy.

We were in a moment of silence until he finally spoke up, "Maybelle, I like you a lot," and then fell asleep on my shoulder.

I smiled so wide, covering my face behind my hair to hide the existing blush that found its way onto my face.

"I like you a lot, too," I whispered back, resting my head onto his messily done hair, which by the way, looked hot on him.

(sorry for all the time skips, i'm just getting really bored lol)

"Can we get cotton candy," Will whined, stretching his arms to purposely hit Kaya's face in the process, which led to a huge cat fight.

Ki Hong had to eventually pull them apart, playfully slapping the back of both their heads.

"So where is everyone else?" I asked, confusingly tilting my head, which in result, having Thomas kiss the side of my head.

"Wes is getting the camera equipment set up, Jacob (Aris) and Rosa (Brenda)  are at their hotel rooms at the moment, and I think the rest are at the snack bar," Dylan shrugged, pulling Thomas away from me.

"Hey, watch it!" Thomas grumbled, pulling me closer into him. I smiled, feeling warmth creep through my body.

"I still want my cotton candy."

-time skip again whoops-

"And, ACTION!" Wes yelled, slapping down the clapper.

I was over by the large tree, finding shade and comfort on the soft sand.

There was literally no where to go because we were surrounded by miles and miles of desert.

Small little bugs started crawling towards me, having Jacob defend them off. He wasn't in the shot yet so he didn't have anything to do.

We started throwing sand at each other, eventually him having to run off.

Now, it was Thomas who wasn't in the shot yet.

"Are you having fun, love?" He whispered in my ear whilst we were both sitting down and I was snuggled against his chest.

My back was against him, having me hear his slow and steady heartbeats. I turned my head, bringing my lips closer to his.

And then, they touched.

Although this wasn't our first kiss, it felt magical and even more sparks came.

I could feel his heartbeats eventually speed up, smiling because I had this effect on him.

The way Thomas' lips melted into mine, it was magical. There was no correct way to explain how much I loved it. You can't just google how soft his lips are, you'll have to actually experience it in real life if you could. Reading blogs over blogs about what was going on with Thomas while he was on tour didn't fill the void in my heart, it only tore my heart apart even more. I missed him and I missed how cuddly and soft his hugs were. But to finally be with him and doing this with him was a great moment for me.

Eventually we broke the kiss, smiling like goofy fools at each other.

"God, as much as I want to do that again, my shot is coming up. I'll see you soon, Maybelle," Thomas whispered, giving me one last firm kiss on my temple.

I smiled really wide, losing my train of thought.



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