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This wasn't how I expected my life to be. Cuddled up next to my boyfriend. My boyfriend. Mine. All mine.

I expected my life to be more dark--more confusing with who I dream of becoming. But no matter what I try to expect now, it comes all back to Thomas.

God, I love him. Wait. I love him. I fucking love Thomas Brodie Sangster.

I was centimeters away from his face, his cool minty scent that he was still able to have from last night send warm tingles down my spine.

I stared at his soft lips and how they slowly puffed out whenever he exhaled.

His eyes were closed, but I could tell they held a dozen mysteries.

Thomas stirred and that's when I realized I've been staring at him for a good 10 minutes.

His slow eyelids fluttered, revealing his dark brown eyes.

"Hello, love," he groggily whispered.

Damn it, there goes my girl hormones.

"Hi, handsome," I managed to whisper back. Honestly, I couldn't even describe Thomas as anything.

He was just too beautiful for this world.

"Thomas," I whispered.

"Yes, May?"

"You would make a pretty girl."

And that was when I managed to choke back my embarrassment as he tilted his head back and laughed.

"But of course you would, like, need a vagina and like boobs and that wouldn't be very appealing to me because I'm as straight as a ruler but--"

"Maybelle, shut up," Thomas laughed.

I blushed. What a start to my day.


Thomas and I walked hand in hand downstairs as everyone was sitting down and chatting amongst themselves while enjoying toast and eggs.

"It's good to be back home, isn't it?" Kaya exclaimed to me, smacking down on her toast.

Dylan and Will were joking around and slapping each other with waffles while Thomas and Ki Hong were engrossed in a conversation about dogs.

"Of course! I definitely missed the beaches," I said, spreading more butter on my toast that Ki Hong nearly burnt.

Kaya's eyes lit up in excitement, slapping her hand down on the table to get everyone's attention.

"LET'S GO TO THE BEACH!" She yelled, having everyone 'whoop' in agreement.

After breakfast, we quickly scurried off to our houses (they live close to Dylan and I) while Thomas stayed at our house.

"So the pastel pink 'Triangl' swimsuit or the pastel blue one?" I asked Thomas and Dylan, hanging the suits from each index finger.

"The pink one,," Dylan said, pointing his finger at it, "Er wait, the blue one. Uh."

I raised an eyebrow at Thomas.

"I say go for any you like," he said smiling at me.

Although Dylan was here, I couldn't resist.

I walked to Thomas and smashed my lips on his, feeling the everlasting fireworks burst through the house.

"Alright, alright break it up," Dylan said, clearly annoyed.

I laughed, suggesting on the pink bathing suit.


"Wow, look at all the babes," Dylan said, winking at a girl that walked past us.

I couldn't help but laugh, seeing as the girl's happy expression started turning into a confused one.

"Shall we find a spot now?" Will asked.

"Yeah, let's do it near the ocean! I want to build a sand castle!" Ki Hong explained, running towards the ocean with Will.

"Should someone go after them?" I asked.

"Nah, it always happens," Kaya shrugged it off, walking to the drinks stand.

Thomas put his arm around my bare waist, "Do you want anything to drink, love?"

"Pepsi, please," I smiled at him.

We walked to the stand with the shirtless worker to order our drink.

"Can I get two Pepsi's please?" Thomas said in his slight British accent.

Now that he's been with us for so long, our American accent has rubbed off on him (except for Kaya and Will, of course).

The worker seemed to be staring at me the whole time while getting the drinks--and I could tell Thomas tensing near me.

I reassuringly rubbed his hand that was around my waist, staring into his eyes hoping he got the hint that I loved him and only him--well of course he doesn't know that I love him but same thing, right?

The worker wrote something quickly on the receipt, handing it to me while giving Thomas the drinks.

'Call, me? xx (666)-666-666'

I could feel Thomas tense up even more, taking the receipt and shredding it to pieces.

I could tell he was going to throw it in the gobsmacked worker's face, but instead, put the shredded pieces on the table and shoved it closer the the man.

"No, thank you" Thomas said with a smile, and took my hand and left.

My mouth was wide opened as I stared at my jealous boyfriend.

"Oh c'mon! I should be the only one that gets to flirt with you!" Thomas whined, staring at me.

I laughed, holding his face in my hands and pulling his closer.

This was it, now or never. I'd probably regret this in a few seconds but I may be thanking my past self in the future.

"I love you, Thomas."

I hesitantly stared at Thomas's face. His blank stare turned into a confused one.

"I'm sorry but I think I'm hallucinating. Did the love of my life finally reveal her
love to me? Or am I an idiot?" Thomas asked, still confused.

I smiled wide and repeated it, "I love you, Thomas Brodie Sangster."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I love you, Maybelle," he replied back, squishing me into the most passionate kiss ever.

If love was this amazing, my younger self would've probably been less antisocial.

God, I fucking love Thomas.

brother's best friend - thomas brodie sangsterWhere stories live. Discover now