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\\REWRITTEN CHAPTER 8/4/16 10:22 AM//


time skip 3 months lol sorry

today was thomas's 'birthday eve,' as he called it, and dylan and i had yet to buy him something.

we were currently in the car listening to guns n' roses and sex pistols on blast.

we even got some dirty looks from older people, but dylan just flipped them off.

"ok so you know the deal right? you get the top half of the store and i'll get the bottom half. we each get 30 minutes once we step foot outside of the car. the person with the best gift is crowned the winner and the loser has to yell out something embarrassing in front of everyone. got it?" dylan reminded me, getting ready to take off.

"oh please, i've been kicking your ass since you were born," i huffed, getting ready to slam my nikes on the pavement.

"3, 2, 1, GO!" and with that, we were both dashing out of the car as dylan fumbled the keys in his hand to lock the vehicle.

i had an advantage since the men's jewelers shop was up here.

i ran up the flight of stairs, giving out a small cough and hugged my jacket closer to my body while starting to slow my pace.

i put up my hood since hanging out with the maze runner cast gave me some recognition that i didn't deserve.

even thomas had to hug me through the times i got hate for being a 'whore' and sleeping with the whole cast--even with kaya.

i walked into the store and greeted the italian man behind the counter.

"so what are you looking for, babe?" he asked, twiddling with his gelled mustache.

"a watch, something expensive," i said, not really sure on what i wanted. i just knew that thomas was worth more than everything in this shop.

"i have the perfect thing for you," he stated, motioning to a few watches on display.

"Michael Kors, the best in business," he explained, picking up some watches and dusting them off.

i smiled at how much thomas would be able to pull all of these off.

but one, and one in particular, caught my eye.

it was silver with gold wrapped around the edge of the clock itself, and had gold lining up in the middle of the band.

"which one is this?" i asked, pointing to the expensive looking watch.

"only $140, now that's a steal!" he explained as i just raised an eyebrow at his failed use at bargaining.

i gave it one more look and looked at my own watch, seeing that i had 15 more minutes left.

"i'll take it," i explained, giving him my credit card.


i rushed down the stairs, seeing as i had no spare time to kill.

i met up with dylan at the coffee shop and instantly recognized his foul way of disguising himself.

"hey dyl," i greeted, sliding down in the booth.

he gave me a wave and a smirk.

"now what's that smirk for, o'brien?" i asked.

"oh nothing--but it may have something to do with me kicking your ass," he nonchalantly replied, casually looking at his nails.

i snorted, "good luck."

he slammed a vinyl on the table.

it was a misfits vinyl.

i almost gasped at him, seeing his actually good present for once.

i regained my posture and slowly slid the watch in it's case on the table, bringing it closer to dylan so he could see all the details.

"w-well u-u-h--" dylan stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"this could be a close tie, but i think i have a tiny one-up on you," i said.

"damn it," dylan grumbled, putting his head in his hands.

i laughed, "are you ready?"

"yeah," he groaned.

"you have to go in front of the main entrance of the mall and yell 'my balls fell off.'" i said.

it wasn't the best but it was still somewhat funny.

"you are so cruel," dylan mumbled, grabbing his bag and walking to the main entrance.

i grabbed all my stuff and followed him.

once we got to the main entrance, which by the way was crowded by many people, dylan dropped his stuff.

"MY BALLS FELL OFF!" he cupped his hands around his mouth to yell that.

he got dirty looks from old ladies and men and even got some teens being intrigued.

he quickly picked up his things and dragged me out the door, rolling his eyes at my laughter.

once we got to the car, i still couldn't manage to stop laughing.

"did you see that old man drop his bag because of you!?" i laughed, slapping a hand on my knee.

"you are evil," he mumbled, starting the car.


brother's best friend - thomas brodie sangsterWhere stories live. Discover now