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big thanks to @emilythomas2000 for inspiring this chapter!!

part 1 - getting dylan a girl

i rolled over thomas's frail body as he groaned at me to stop.

"what are we going to do about dylan," i whined, grazing over his warm features.

he smiled at me, "let's get him a girlfriend."

"we can't even get him to give us back the cereal box, let alone get him to commit to a relationship!" i retorted, caressing thomas's face with my fingers.

thomas blew a small breeze of air to my face playfully, leaving small kisses down my neck.

i held back the sudden urge to grab his face and kiss him hard.

"thomas," i whined, throwing my head back lightly.

he stopped and smiled lustfully at me.

"let's scout for girls at the mall!" thomas suggested.


i slowly lowered my sunglasses to the bridge of my nose, scavenging for women of the early 20's.

thomas pretended to read his newspaper, flipping the pages every so often.

"do you see anyone?" i whispered.

"no. maybelle this is stupid! i was joking when i said we should look for girls earlier!" thomas whined again.

i shushed him and made him raise his newspaper so it covered most of his face.

"why do we even need to be disguised? no one will recognize us!" thomas whined some more, lowering his black beret.

"oh shut up you wuss! we need to be in disguise so the girls don't think we're some creepy preteens hitting on them considering we both look like we're twelve!" i yelled back, lightly punching his arm.

"ow, that hurt," thomas whined AGAIN.

"HER!" i whisper yelled, dragging thomas and running up to the gorgeous lady.

"hi! my name is Whitney and this is my husband..." i panicked. i hadn't thought of a name for thomas.

"Houston!" thomas replied in a hurry, "whitney and houston are our names."

the lady raised an eyebrow, "is this a prank?" she asked.

"no, ma'am i don't understand how you think this is a prank. are you basing it off of our names? that is very judgmental and cruel, we shall not accept you into our secret club." thomas replied matter-of-factly.

she raised her eyebrow again, "i'm sorry, no. i was basing it off from the fact that you ran up to me wearing fake disguises," the lady smiled her pearly whites.

"that's a point 1 for comebacks, write that down," i whispered to thomas, blankly looking at the woman.

my stupid boyfriend put a check on the paper.

"excuse m-" the lady started.

"are you married?" i interrupted her.




"in any relationship with anyone?"

"no. what is this for?!" the lady got tired of talking to us.

thomas quickly wrote everything in a hurry.

"ma'am can i have your name?" i smiled sweetly at her.

she sighed, "lucy. i'm 23 if you're asking."

"bingo!" i whispered to thomas, doing a lowkey fist bump as he cutely gave me a thumbs up.

we walked away from her, leaving her standing there alone.

"i think we hit the jack pot!" i said to thomas once we got out of the store.

"right? dylan's going to love her!"


"i hate her."

"but dylan! you haven't even seen what she looks like!" i groaned, laying my head down on the table facing his head that was on the table.

"i'm not in the mood to be in a relationship at the time," he mumbled.

i groaned, throwing my head back to thomas's chest.

"i could nuzzle myself deeply into your chest hair," i mumbled, falling asleep into his warmth.

thomas and dylan bursted out into laughter.

"love, i have the body of a 9 year old boy--i don't have chest hair!" thomas stated, laughing.

"sh, sh," i whispered, falling asleep into thomas's imaginary chest hair.


part 2 will come out soon (i hope)

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