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\\REWRITTEN CHAPTER 8/13/16 12:04 PM//

four chapters in one day, wow i'm on a roll.

but btw, this chapter may or may not be sad, depends on your mood.


-time skip to when they get back home-

"thomas! i'm home!" i yelled when i walked inside.

dylan came out with a saddened expression, dry tears on his cheeks.

"dylan? what's wrong?" i worriedly asked.

"that night i left early--dad called me. he was getting sick by the minute and didn't want to tell you because he didn't want you to worry," dylan started.

"wait--dylan. no! you can't tell me that he's-h-" i stuttered, a pain expression on my face.

dylan looked to the ground and nodded.

i ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"he left this note for you. i haven't read it because he specifically said this was for you," dylan handed me a crumpled note with black ink stains.

i sadly nodded, grabbing the note and walking to my room.

i collapsed on my bed, tears slowly falling down on my dark blue hoodie.

"dear maybelle.

i miss you sweety. (HOLY SHIT I ACCIDENTALLY WROTE SWEATY EARLIER AND I CAN'T STOP WHEEZING AT MYSELF) you've been gone for so long and it makes me proud of how far you've come. i was actually okay with the fact of you leaving because i didn't want you to see me like this. i've had cancer for a few years now and i didn't want you to see how much of a mess i was. you're capable of moving on without me. you have dylan and all of your friends now, so please enjoy this moment while it lasts. mom and i are proud of you. i write to her every night in hopes that she'll see my letters in heaven. but now i won't be able to walk you down the aisle, or kiss your grandchildren goodnight. but don't worry about me. keep living your life as a rockstar. i love you.

sincerely, dad."

i couldn't find my emotions. i didn't know whether to cry because my dad was gone or smile because he's done with his suffering.

"i love you dad," i whispered into my pillow, tears soaking the sheet.

and with that, i closed my eyes, imagining my mother and father happily staring at me from above.


short chapter, i'm hungry and i havent eaten breakfast yet.

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