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\\REWRITTEN CHAPTER 8/4/16 11:06 AM//

today was finally the day of thomas's birthday.

we were texting about it in the group chat all night.

dylan and i were in the car, jamming yet again to guns n' roses.

"SO I WANDER THROUGH MY WAYS AND ALSO TO MY DAYS!" dylan belted from the top of his lungs.

"dylan you IDIOT, that's not even the right words!" i yelled.

"I DON'T CARE!" he yelled, continuing to sing the wrong lyrics to 'street of dreams.'

i laughed and joined him, off key tune and all.


"hey thomas!" i greeted, going in for a hug.

"hello, love," he smiled in the hug.

i released and looked him in his warm, chocolate eyes.

"happy birthday," i smiled up at him.

"thank you, maybelle," he delicately said, motioning the door open so dylan and i could get in.

dylan and thomas did a 'bro hug' thing as i walked in and already saw everyone there.

i hugged kaya, ki hong, and will, chatting with them about random things.

thomas was a rich person, as he gathered everyone to his house to watch movies in his 'theater.'

we all walked to the basement and saw the rows of couches and the large screen in front of everything.

there was candy, pizza, popcorn, and soda set up all around the place.

will and ki hong raced to the couch in the front as kaya rolled her eyes at them and followed.

dylan gradually followed in her steps and started making small talk.

"this is insane," i said to thomas.

he shrugged and smiled, "oh it's nothing."

he held out his hand for me and i smiled and placed my hand in his, feeling the warm radiations travel through my arm.

i liked thomas--a lot--and i was always told that thomas liked me, but i couldn't actually believe it. i was nothing more than 'the sister of dylan o'brien.'

we walked to the couch that everyone was snuggled on.

the movie started playing and we all got comfortable with our candy in our hands.


currently, we were sitting in the living room, talking about nonsense.

"hey thomas, why don't you open your gifts?" ki hong suggested.

"yeah, sure," he smiled.

ki hong was the first one to give thomas his present, revealing a book called "the portrait of a lady"--a classic.

"you did not!" thomas excitedly yelled, jumping up to hug ki hong.

"i so did!" he yelled back.

next, will gave thomas his gift.

they were a pair of white jordans with gold running down the sides.

"is this the limited edition one?!" thomas gasped.

"you bet it is!" will winked.

"these are sick! thanks, man!"

next, it was kaya. she got him this picture frame of glenn danzig, which was also signed by him. (he is a member of misfits)

"HOW THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU GET THIS SIGNED BY THE GLENN, HIMSELF?!" thomas went mental, running up to hug kaya with all his might.

we all laughed at his antics. i smiled at how happy thomas looked, his brown eyes sparkling from joy.

next, it was dylan who gave thomas a gift.

it was the misfits vinyl, which thomas absolutely adored and put it in his collection of vinyls.

finally, it was me.

i took out a small box and handed it to thomas.

he slowly opened it, revealing the michael kors logo on the front.

thomas gasped at me, "is this a prank?!"

i laughed, "just open the bloody box, punk!"

he slowly lifted the box, revealing the gold and silver watch.

"oh my goodness, thank you so much maybelle!" he yelled, getting up to hug me.

i laughed and squirmed in the hug as he was trapping my arms to my sides.

he released and smiled at me and i smiled back.

we were staring at each other for a while now, and everyone was getting awkward.

"u-uh i'm gonna go uh get some water," will broke the silence, getting up and running towards the kitchen.

"i'm gonna go help you!" kaya yelled, following him.

"yeah! me too!" ki hong agreed, following her.

i could tell that dylan was staring at us intently, but all i did was continue to mesmerize at thomas.

"so i'm gonna go," dylan pointed at himself and then pointed to the kitchen, dashing away from the awkwardness.

"i've been waiting to do this," thomas started.

"w-what?" i stuttered.

"once i do this, please don't get mad at me. because i like you a lot and it would hurt my heart if you get mad."

i smiled at him, "well what if i said that i liked you too?"

"then i'll do this," thomas said, and then crashed his lips into mine.

it was passionate yet soft, as if he desperately wanted me but wanted to go gentle on me.

i immediately kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

we slowly released and rested our foreheads on each other's.

"will you go out with me?" thomas asked.

"i thought we were already going out?" i smirked.

"well now im making our 'going outs' official," he smiled.

i agreed and we sat back down on the couch, enjoying the silence.


brother's best friend - thomas brodie sangsterWhere stories live. Discover now