Schools out!

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Pink and I walk into one of our classes, while Don is getting sent away by our teacher. The kid really asked if they could get together over the summer! I swear this kid will be the death of us one day.

Pink decides to sit with Jodi, while I decide to sit with Kevin and Michelle. I can't help but get jealous as Pink and Jodi were laughing at something. Oh come on Shelby they're just laughing it's not a big deal! Is it?

"Alright what's got you down?"

I look at Kevin in surprise. He knows. How the fuck does he know.

"How do you-"

"Shelbs I know you more than anyone in this room, even more than Pink, I'm your twin, your other half of course I know what's got you down... and I also heard about O'Bannion when we got here."

He's not wrong that is the main reason I'm upset. "I don't even know anymore I mean I thought I would never seen him again, like why is he here?"

"Because he's a dumb shit!" Michelle said. I couldn't help but laugh, she's not wrong. "And I also know it's about Pink too". That made my eyes widen seriously how do these two know? "Yeah half of it is about Pink".

"I mean I don't know anymore. My feelings for him are strong as fuck, whatever he does puts butterflies in my stomach. But on some days he's so happy and then sad and I don't even know why. And there was apparently this pledge sheet that's got him acting weird in a way."

"What's on it?" Michelle asks.

"I don't know he said he'll tell me later. But that's not all he said something on how he'd rather watch me at the hazing than Simone. Did he find out she was cheating on him? Does he suddenly not like her anymore? Because he doesn't seem interested anymore it's like he's playing along!"

Kevin and Michelle look at each other like they know something. "You know something tell me right now" I say.

Kevin looks at me and then says "Yes we know something, but we can't tell you right now because if you do you won't be able to focus and you need to for the hazing. But I can tell you this it does involve someone we know but I can't tell you for these reasons, A. It will change your life forever, 2. The person is in this room, and C. I just want you to wait and drive yourself crazy."

What Kevin said is a lot to process and it was well said, well most of it. What could the news be? Is it about Pink? Well I mean it has to be he's the only boy we're close with in this room. It's gotta be about Pink, great now I'm invested this idiot!

"Well you dumb idiot I'm invested so thanks". "Your welcome" he relies with a cheeky grin.

"I mean what I said when you are an idiot, I mean you said A, 2, and then C, did you smoke something before you came in here?" Michelle laughs and looks at me "Girl he's still working on the batch from this morning!" I look at Kevin "You dumb idiot!" He rolls his eyes while Michelle laughs. "I swear if there was a test on weed he and Slater would ace it." You got that right!" Michelle says.

Just then the bell rang. Oh shit here we go! Jodi comes up and taps me on the shoulder "You ready?" She asks with excitement in her eyes. "I guess" I said as I got up. I'm completely second guessing this whole thing. I mean it sounded fun when we were talking about it, but it wasn't fun when we went through it. I mean afterwards was fun, the seniors took us girls out and got us drunk it was a fun experience. But these girls shouldn't go through it, it's so degrading. I mean I'll go and put on the shirt and support the girls but I might not participate.

As I'm walking out I feel hands on my shoulders only  to find out it's Pink. "You ready?" he asks. "I guess" I respond. "Don't worry you'll do great, I'll be cheering you on" I laugh at this. Just as I'm about to go change so we could go get the girls, he bends down to whisper in my ear "You know if you don't want to haze you could always come sit with me" My face is probably as red as a tomato as I look down and smile. "You got it Randall Pink Floyd" I say as he smiles and walks away.

Kevin this news better be the best news I will ever here! Well it's time, let the "fun" begin!

1976 (dazed and confused)Where stories live. Discover now