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I go upstairs in my room and start to get ready for tonight.

Now like I want to look good tonight! Is that too much to ask? Eh no I don't think so

I look in my closet a try to look for an outfit which is successful!

I look in my closet a try to look for an outfit which is successful!

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For my hair I just decided to curl it

I do the final touches on my look just in time because I hear a car pull up. Let the night begin!

I walk downstairs and as I'm about to head out the door I hear a voice

"And where might you be off too"? I hear my dad ask

"I'm going out with Jodi and the girls" I reply

"Oh well don't stay out late and uh don't smoke and don't drink" he says as he smiles. Little does he know.

"Alright I won't" I say

"Alright we'll have fun and be safe!" He says

"Will do" I say as I walk out the door at head to Jodi's car

"What's up my girls!" I say

"Nothing much but get your ass in here!" She says

"Alright" I say as I climb into the back

"Hey where's Shavonne?" I ask

"She's riding with Simone and Darla and then we're gonna pick her up and ride around and then get to the Emporium" Kaye responds

"Well then, I guess we'll hear all about the shit that Darla and Simone talk about me when we pick her up" I say

"Woah woah hold on what the hell happened? Wait a minute is what your about to say is the good news from the phone call?" Jodi asks

"Yep!" I say

"Well what are you waiting for? SPILL!" Kaye yells

"We'll I guess I should start with oh I don't know that me and Randall Pink Floyd have started dating!" I say

"WHAT!" They both yell

"YEP!" I say

"Omg finally do you know how long we have been waiting for him to do that?" Kaye asks

"Too long man, too long!" Jodi answers

"Well that's what happened I swear it was like all the time in the world stopped when he asked me and when we kissed." I say while smiling

"AHHHH we are so happy for you!" Jodi says

"Yeah but there's a problem." I say

"Well whats the problem? I mean your dating Pink there can't possibly be a problem." Kaye says

"The problem is Simone." I say

"Ohhh" they both say at the same time

"Yeah" I say

"Well what can that bitch possibly do?" Jodi asks

"Um when you get Darla and her together a lot can happen!" I say

"Yeah that's true but I mean he never really loved her, and she did cheat on him several times so she kinda had it coming." Kaye says

"Yeah but hey we are not gonna let her and Darla ruin your night or his night. You both need this, and your both happy now that your together. So there's no way in hell we are gonna let her do that!" Jodi says and Kaye nods. I smile as I start to feel better but that ends quickly as another thing pops in my mind.


"Oh no!" I say

"What?" They both ask

"What about O'Bannion?" I ask

"What about that bastard?" Jodi asks

"Well I mean how is he gonna react to me and Pink? He's gonna be out tonight looking for freshman with Benny so he's gonna see all of us at some point and he's probably gonna get upset!" I say

"Well then let him!" Jodi says

"I mean it's his fault you guys broke up in the first place. He should not have taken his anger out on you and hit you! And I mean he was never a good boyfriend anyway!" Kaye says

"Yeah your right! You know what fuck them! I'm having a good time tonight as I should!" I say

"Hell yeah you are!" They both say

"God I love you guys, you guys are the best friends a girl could ask for!" I say to both of them

"We love you too!" They both reply back

"And may I say you look good tonight!" Jodi says

I laugh "The same goes for you two"! I say

"Wait so where are we going?" I ask

"We're going to pick up Sabrina that girl from he hazing" Jodi responds

"Ohhh ok cool!" I say

"Hey do you need to be at the Emporium at a certain time? Figured i would ask if Pink wants you there" Jodi asks

"Umm no I mean I did tell him I would get there soon but I think he's going to that baseball game and then Wooderson is gonna pick him up, and then he'll be there. So we have time to just drive around and if he's not there when you drop me off I'll just wait for him." I say

"Ok" Jodi says

"Oh yeah um O'Bannion, Benny, Don, and Melvin are gonna be at the game too." I say

"Ah shit!" Say Jodi says

"Yeah shouldn't have told them to take it easy on Mitch" Kaye says

"Yeah I regret that now!" Jodi says

"Well I don't think it's just that well for Benny, Don and Melvin maybe but not for O'Bannion" I say

"What do you mean?" Jodi asks

"Well when Pink and I were hanging out with them in that parking lot, well O'Bannion made an appearance. And apparently Carl's mom pulled out a shotgun on his ass this afternoon as he was about to wack Mitch and Carl." I answer

"Holy shit no way!" Kaye asks while Jodi's jaw drops

"Yep" I say

"Wow well he deserves it" Kaye says

"That's what I said!" I say

"Well let's forget about all of that and have fun!" Jodi says

"Hell yeah!" Kaye and I both yell

Jodi turns on her radio and Free Ride starts playing

"Man this is a good one" I say

They both agree with me. We start to drive to Sabrina's house to pick her up

"Hey girl hop in!" Jodi says

"Hey guys" she says

"Hey" Kaye and I both say

"Hi I'm Shelby I'm the one who helped pick you up at the hazing but didn't participate." I introduce myself

"Hi I'm Sabrina nice to meet you" she says

"So I've heard" I say

She laughs as we continue to drive around. We keep taking glances at her as she's enjoying everything and let's just say this is just the start of the night!

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