What could it be?

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After I changed I get in the car with Jodi and Shavonne as we go get the girls.

"So how's pink?" Shavonne asks as she's driving. "What do you mean?" I ask. She rolls her eyes. "You know what I mean shelbs, what happened after you left with them?"

"Well I mean it's nothing really, well I guess you could say it's something." "Well go on then, tell us!" Jodi says.

"Alright so as we were walking to Benny's I was walking behind them cause I didn't want to get smacked with a paddle. So as we were walking Pink stays behind to walk with me and he was talking about how he'd rather watch me at the hazing instead of Simone."

As I finish that last sentence Jodi and Shavonne look at each other like they know something. Oh come on seriously! What do these people know?

"Oh god you guys know something too?" "What do you mean who else knows something?" Jodi asks. "Well Michelle and Kevin know something." "Well what do they know?" "I don't know, but I'll get to that part I gotta continue."

"Oh I forgot to mention one thing, back at the school we were figuring out seating arrangements because I wasn't sitting in the bed of the truck." "Right" Shavonne says. "So Benny was saying on how I sit in the middle of him and Pink on the way there and Don gets the back, then Don said how that's a perfect arrangement so pink and I could sit next to each other and how he said Pink could confess his- and then he got cut off. I wonder what he was going to say but that part didn't get to me as much though."

"So as we were driving there Pink puts his hand on my thigh, now that put butterflies in my stomach." The girls laughed at that. "So as we were driving back I was asking Benny to go easy on them and not all O'Bannion on them." The girls looked at me understandably they know how he can get.

"Pink sensed my mood because he knows how I get when I talk about O'Bannion or when he's mentioned and he grabs my hand. And then I lean my head on his shoulder and he leans his head on mine." The girls squeal at this. "Oh I'm not done yet" I tell them. "There's more?" Shavonne asks. "Oh there's more."

"So as we get back to the school we run into the coaches and Pink is not happy about it at all. They all start talking and then they bring up this pledge sheet and how they want Pink to have it signed at the end of the day." "Wait a pledge sheet, what pledge sheet?" Jodi asks. "Beats me, Pink told me he would tell me later but I'm so curious cause it changed his mood."

"Anyway as were walking back to the school the unthinkable happens. Guess who shows up?" I ask. "Oh know please don't tell me who I think it is?" Shavonne says. "Oh your thinking right the bastard Fred O'Bannion himself!" "Oh you've got to be kidding what did he want?" Jodi asks.

"Oh you'll never believe it, he flunked!" "Oh good lord how can we have another year with that bastard?" Shavonne asks. "I don't know, I mean I could barley survive while dating him that final months of the relationship, how can I do it now?" I ask.

"I don't know shelbs, but just know we'll help you if anything goes wrong." Jodi says softly. I look at her and nod. "Do you know why he flunked?" Shavonne asks. "I don't know prob because just to torment me or haze the freshman again, both are pretty stupid." I say. "Man Mitch is a dead man now" Jodi says. "Well I mean if you hadn't told them to go easy on him, then maybe he would have a chance." Shavonne said while laughing. "Yeah I know" I Jodi responds. "Well anyway what else happened?"

"Ok so Pink told me to go inside with him because he didn't want me to be around him, so we went in and that's when we come into the classroom. So I go sit with Michelle and Kevin and talk to them. So Kevin being the twin brother he is sensed my mood, so I told him everything about O'Bannion and Pink, and how I say it's like he's bored with Simone. They look at each other like they know something like you two did. Of course he doesn't tell me what it is but he tells me it's gonna change my life and the person that it's about is in the room, like the only people that were in the room were us and Pink. So it's gotta be about Pink, now Kevin was probably high like he always is but I think he knew what he was talking about. So what could it be?" I finish.

Jodi and Shavonne look at each other and Jodi starts to speak. "Alright Shelbs we know what the news is and when Kevin says it's gonna change your life, it's really gonna change your life, I will tell you this it is who you are thinking about, but we'd rather have you hear it from them than from us" She says.

"Don't worry babe it's good news trust me. This news will make you have fun tonight. And just know whatever happens with O'Bannion we will always help you no matter what and Kaye too. We love you girl just know that." Shavonne says and Jodi looks at me and smiles.

I look at them and smile "I love you both too" these girls are the best friends I could ever ask for, always have and always will be.

"All right well we're here so let's pick up some girls and let's get this party started!" Shavonne says.

I smile and think this is gonna be fun well not for me but it will be fun to hang with my girls. But of course my mind wanders off to the news. Seriously what could it be?

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