And people always wonder why you're my best friend

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Shelby's P.O.V

"Hey I'm gonna go find Kevin ok?" I tell Jodi

"Ok come find me later?" She asks as I nod

Kevin is my best friend, has been ever since we were in the womb. People always wonder why we're twins, I don't know why tho I mean we look the exact same. I guess it's because Kevin is the one that gets high all the time and acts like an idiot, while I get high but not as high as he gets.

I feel like I can go to Kevin with anything, I tell him that I need to talk he drops everything and leaves to talk with me. I trust him more than anyone.... even Pink.

As I approach him, he's talking with Michelle. I wait for them to finish up their conversation before I go over there.

"Hey Kev, um can we talk for a minute?" I ask

"Sure thing" he says almost immediately (told you)

"Alright" I say as we walk away from everyone

"So what's up kid?" He asks

"I don't even know where to begin I.... wait did you just call me kid?" I ask

"Yes... yes I did, but seriously what's up?" He asks

"Well I guess I should start with O'Bannion came by here not to long ago" I say as the color drains from Kevin's face and his expression turns to anger.

"WHAT!" He exclaims

"Shhhhh" I shush him

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHUSSHH?" He exclaims once again

"Kevin calm down" I say

"YOU CANT SAY O'BANNION SHOWED UP HERE AND NOT EXPECT ME TO BE CALM" he says but I can't take it anymore so I put my finger to his lips to shush him.

"Well I need you to calm down so I can tell you the story, and I need you to stay calm the whole time" I tell him

"Well that's gonna be hard because that sentence started of him showing up here is a great start and WILL YOU PLEASE GET YOUR FINGER OFF OF MY LIPS!" He exclaims the last part.

"Only if you promise to stay calm" I say

"I promise" he says but I'm not so sure

"You sure?" I ask

"Yes I'm sure" he says getting annoyed but I keep looking at him like "Are you positively sure?"

As he is clearly getting annoyed with me, he does something so gross that I for sure would need to wash my hands afterwards.

He licks my finger


"Well I had to get your finger off of my lips somehow" he says laughing

"GOD YOU SUCK!" I say as I start to laugh

"Yeah but you love me" he says

"Yeah yeah" I say

"Alright seriously what's up?" He asks

"Well this is going to be a lot so bear with me and remember stay calm" I tell him seriously

"Alright alright" he says

"Well where do I start"

"Ok so I didn't expect him to show up here after the whole paint incident" I start

"That was fucking hilarious, and I am so proud of you for sticking up for yourself, you made me a proud brother" he says

"Awww thanks Kev" I say

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