I dont want this night to end

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Shelby's P.O.V

I stumble over to the keg for another beer

I've had maybe 3 or 4 beers. I lost count after the second one

"Alright Shelbs I think you've had enough I mean you've had five beers after all" Kaye says to me

Oh so that's how many!

"Oh come on one more can't hurttttt" I slurred the last part

"Oh yes it can" She says

"Fine party pooper"

"Jodi Kaye is being a party pooper she won't let me drink anymore" I whine

"I think she's right Shelbs you've had a lot" she says

"Fine your a party pooper too" I say as they laugh

"It's not funny" I whine

"Where's Pink?" I ask

"I think he's in Bennys truck" Kaye says

"Alright thanks!" I say as I walk over there stumbling every now and then

Finally I reach Bennys truck but I don't go up to Pink right away. From the looks of it Benny and Pink look like they're in an argument.

I don't know what's going on in there but both sides look pretty angry.

Benny gets out of the truck and slams his door and walks away leaving Pink in the car. Pink takes a sip of his beer and I can tell he's upset.

Cherry Bomb starts playing and I can't help but move my head along to the beat.

Before I go up to Pink I take in my surroundings. I see everyone just having a great time in there own little worlds. It's amazing how one night can turn into the best night ever for people.

I see Simone walk over to Darla with beers and watch Darla dance, gosh she's terrible. Just as Simone reaches her she falls. I can't help but laugh and Darla falls to the ground laughing.

As much as I dislike them sometimes I'm glad they're having a fun time.

I finally go up to the truck and Pink is still in deep thought

"Hey!" I say as I approach the window

"Hey" he says

"You ok? It looked like your talk with Benny wasn't to pleasant"

"Yeah I'm ok" he says but I'm not convinced

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask him as I run my fingers through his hair

"Yeah sure" he says as he gets out the truck and we head to his car and sit in the bed

"So what's up?" I asked

"It was about that dumb pledge sheet" he says

"Are you serious? I thought you weren't gonna worry about it?" I asked

"I wasn't planning on it until Benny brought it up" he says annoyed

"He was just going on about it, how it was senior year and we had to play and go all out"

"But I don't want to do it if these are the circumstances" he says

"I mean you still can play, but just don't sign it I mean it's not like they're gonna check if you do that stuff anyway right?" I ask

"I'm not sure, but I'm just sick of people telling me what to do. I wanna do things on my own terms not theirs" he says getting worked up again, I put my hand on his knee to calm him down.

1976 (dazed and confused)Where stories live. Discover now