Driving around

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As we were driving around, we were telling Sabrina all about high school.

"Ok so I know what your thinking high school is not that bad, but only if you let it" Kaye says

"I mean yeah you'll make a bunch of friends, but just don't get on their bad side especially if it's a group because some will take one side and the others will take another and it will all get messed up" Jodi says

"Now for a boyfriend you want to make sure you find the right one that's perfect for you, don't go and date an asshole like me date one that will treat you right and make you feel like the happiest girl in the world." I say

"Alright now for parties, listen you need to have fun at those because that's what there meant for" Kaye says

"Like if you had a bad week, a party will be good to help you get over that. I mean you'll have beer and weed and then boom all your problems go away." Jodi says

"Now also at parties you have to be careful, get drunk but not too drunk. If you need to go to the bathroom give your drink to someone you trust, who knows what boys will do with it. And if someone asks you to hold their drink, you put your hand over the top of it so no one will be able to put something in it and if someone says they know the person and ask to hold it don't give it to them." I say as she nods

"Ah yes good point!" Jodi says

"Look Sabrina we're not trying to scare you, we're just trying to warn you because let me tell you so many others will tell you different and it will be the wrong thing. We want to prepare you for this because we've been through it. And you know your our girl now so we gotta look out for you." I reassure

"Honestly I'd rather hear it from you guys than anyone else because I trust you, I feel safe with you even though I just met you guys today but still I just do." She says as we all smile

"God that makes me feel so much better because o though we were scaring you!" Jodi says relieved as we all laugh.

"Alright so when we heading to the top notch to pick up Shavonne?" Kaye asks

"Um soon probably. Oh by the way Shavonne is the blonde girl that rode with us for the hazing." She tells Sabrina as she nods

"Alright we'll let's hear what gossip she has for us when we pick her up." I say

"Let's just hope Simone is not that upset." Kaye says

"Honestly she probably will be but she has no right too" Jodi says

Sabrina has a confused look on her face about what's going on

"Alright Sabrina so there's this girl named Simone, she was at the hazing and she has short blonde hair and mainly hangs out with Darla the brunette with the loud voice." I say as she nods knowing who they are

"Ok so Simone was dating this boy, he's like the most popular boy at our school and the hottest" I say while blushing, she gives a little laugh.

"And his name is Randall Floyd, we call him pink because of the band Pink Floyd." I say

"Oh I think I know who your talking about, does he have like long brown hair, well not long but like to his shoulders?" She asks

"Yep that's the one!" I say as she nods

"So I've been best friends with him ever since the 6th grade and let's just say I had strong feelings ever since that day, but we fell out in the 9th grade because he started to play football but we realized we didn't want to loose each other so we made our friendship stronger and the feelings still 100% there"I say as she nods

"So let's just say these kids have loved each other ever since they met but didn't do anything about it" Jodi says

"So in the beginning of junior year Shelby started dating this guy named Fred O'Bannion because Pino wasn't doing anything, you've probably heard of him and I wouldn't be surprised if you did." Kaye says

"Let's just say Fred was an asshole and had anger issues and took it out on me" I say as she looks at me sympathetically

"No need to look at me like that, I'm doing much better now." I reassure her as she smiles and nods

"Ok so since Shelby was dating Fred Pink decided to date Simone and oh boy there relationship was a roller coaster" Jodi says

"So Pink didn't really love her because he loved me but he still treated her the best he could. And I felt bad for her because I would be so upset if I was dating someone and I loved them but they didn't love me back. That was what it was like with me and O'Bannion." I say

"But now we don't feel bad for her at all!" Jodi says

"Why?" Sabrina asks

"Because she cheated on Pink several times." I say as Sabrina jaw drops to the ground

"Yep that was our reaction too!" Kaye says

"So Pink found out about it a while ago but he didn't break up with her just yet, but today he decided to do that." I say

"Well good for him" Sabrina says

"Yeah and so back to what I said about how Pink and I love each other and none of us doing anything about it." I say as Sabrina nods

"Today Pink decided to do something about it and let's just say we're dating!" I say as I blush and Sabrina smiles

"Omg that's great you guys are perfect for each other anyway!" Sabrina says

"That's what we said!" Jodi says

"But I'm worried for what Simone will say if she knows because if you get on her and Darla bad side things can get ugly" I say as Sabrina nods

"But I mean she has no right too because she cheated on him"  Jodi says

"And like we said we are not going to let her ruin you and Pink's night because you both deserve to be happy with each other." Kaye says as I smile at her

"Yeah Pink won't let that happen either" I say

"I know he wouldn't because god Pink hates it if someone ruins his night or someone else's!" Jodi says

"Trust me Shelbs he is the right one for you and don't let anyone tell you different." Kaye says as Jodi nods agreeing

"I know thanks guys" I say as I smile

"No problem" Kaye says

I look around at all my surroundings as Low Rider starts to play and just forget about everything, except for Pink of course

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