Sweet Emotion

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Shelby's P.O.V

We pull into the parking lot of my favorite place in the world, just kidding I like to call it hell. Lee high school where I spent 3 long years, so glad this is my last year.

Kevin turns off the car right when the guitar solo of sweet emotion is about to play. God can this kid be anymore annoying? "Really Kev really." "What would you rather sit in the car all day." I rolled my eyes as he said that. " I mean it's better being in there." I say as I point to the school. He gives me a look that says "I don't give a shit"

He can be annoying sometimes but he's my twin and I love him. One day he could be mean but then the next day he could listen to me talk about my problems and he'll give me advice. Honestly it's a great relationship we have.

We got out of the car and saw Pink and Simone sitting on the bed of pinks car across the parking lot. I could feel my heart drop as they were laughing away, no Shelby it's to early to be jealous. As we approached the car Pink and Kev did this handshake they've been doing for years. He smiled once he saw me "Hey Shelbs." "Hey Pinky." I smiled back. We've always been calling each other by our nicknames we made when we met I guess they've just sticked. "Hey Simone." "Hi Shelby." She said back. Now I don't have a problem with Simone, she's nice and all but she's friends with Darla the head bitch. Darla's nice to me but so rude to everyone else. I feel so bad for the freshmen girls she's gonna haze today.

Oh yeah!! I forgot to mention, the seniors haze the upcoming freshman. It's a tradition here at Lee high school. The boys haze the freshman boys by paddling them but they like to call it licking. Us girls haze the freshman girls by taking them to the school parking lot and pour all this food and sauces on them, and then take them to the car wash afterwards. It's really degrading but it's so fun at the same time. Hey we all went through it now it's their turn.

We were walking into the school until Simone stopped and told Pink she's going to another part of the building. He kissed her and I cringed the hardest way there is to cringe. I didn't really hear what they're saying but it was something about how he was gonna get caught up with the guys and just have him meet her at the party. Oh yeahhh I always forget to mention things, Kevin and I are throwing a huge party tonight it's going to be the biggest party of the year. But I don't want to throw this party if they're  going to be making out all night.

I was walking behind Kev and Michelle when I felt someone put their arms around my waist. I couldn't help but jump only to see that it was Pink. "Pink you scared me." He just laughed and grabbed my hand. He's never done that before and he's never grabbed my waist like that either. He's been acting so weird around me lately, like he's been awkward and lovely at the same time. I'm not complaining though.

We walked into school and ran into the greatest stoner in the world Ron Slater. We approached him and the boys did their handshakes, he was already high and it's only the afternoon this is what makes him great. "Hey Shelbyyyyy." He held out his arms for me to hug him which I always do. "Hey Slater." I said as I hugged him back. "How's it going." Pink asked him and he replied back with "It's fixing to be a lot better man." Then said "What time is your party tonight man." "9:30 man." Kevin replied. "9:30 I'll be there." "See ya Slater." I said, he turned back around and said "I need to cruise by this afternoon for a little business if you know what I'm talking about." "That's what your talking about." Kevin said. "That's what I'm talking about man. He replied and walked away, God I love him!

We we're walking to class where we saw Mike and Tony. "Hey guys". I said. "Hey" they both replied back. Kevin and Michelle went there separate ways and Pink was shoving something in his pocket, probably weed. Cynthia then walked out of the classroom to us and said "Hey guys are we still on for poker tonight?" Pink replied with "Count me out I'm probably going to Pickford's party later, You going to the party?" Pink asked me. I look at him confused like Kevin and I live in the same house of course I'm going. "Yeah I mean it's my house so." I laughed at him. He chuckled and said "Oh right." He said that nervously. What is going on with him?

We walked into the classroom and one of my best friends Shavonne was ranking the Gilliagan's Islands episodes. I sat down beside one of my other best friends Jodi Kramer, I tell her everything and I say everything I mean... everything. Pink sits down right beside me and starts staring, I can see him out of the corner of my eye and I don't know what to do. Do I just sit here? Or do I look at him and we make eye contact for a few seconds? Without thinking twice I look at him and ofc being the guy he is he smiles at me, I look down as I blush. So I guess his goal today is to give me butterflies of course! I mean he's Randall Pink Floyd for crying out loud!!. Can someone talk to him or call him out of the classroom? Right on cue Don calls him which makes Pink leave. Thank you so much Don!!

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