It'd be a lot cooler if you did

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Pink P.O.V

Alright well to sum it up today has been the best day of my life! I mean I'm dating the girl I have loved ever since the 6th grade how could I not be happy.

If I were to sit and tell you how much I love this girl you would be here forever. That's how in love I am I could talk about her for hours and hours on end!

As I get up and walk out this old couple out of the baseball I see the guys with Jodi brother Mitch. Oh boy! I mean she didn't have to tell us to take it easy on him but that doesn't mean we don't have to do hard on him.

As I'm walking I notice the one person I don't want to see.


God he's such an asshole. Ever since he hit Shelby I've always hated him and now that she's my girlfriend it makes me even more mad!

I just want to punch him so he knows what Shelby felt when he did it to her, but Shelby doesn't want to start anything so I gotta respect her wishes.

"Hey what's going here?" I ask as I get closer to them

"Ah Pink you missed it!" O'Bannion says god shut up!

I was just standing there observing until Melvin asks me "Hey you next Pink?"

"Yeah why not" I say as O'Bannion tells him he's gonna go find Mitch friend and telling him how he took it easy on him. But from where I'm standing he didn't take it easy.

The kid looked like he been through war so I'll go easy on him. I pretend to hit him hard like I'm going to swing a baseball bat but instead I just tap him.

Melvin laughs "Hey we're going up to the Emporium you with us?" He asks

"Um yeah just let me go home and change" I respond

"Alright I'll see you later! Hey kid take care of that but!" Melvin says as we walks away

It's an awkward silence until I break it

"You need a ride?" I ask

"Uh yeah I think they left me" he says as I nod and we start heading to my car

As were driving I tell him about how O'Bannion failed two years in a row

"The guys a dick" he says "Right?" He asks

"Yeah man he's a dick" I say I would say more but I can't tell him that stuff

"Did you get it bad when you were a freshman?" He asks

"Shit man! They waited for me after baseball practice and got me good! It was vicious!" I say

"After a few licks your ass gets so numb but it's nothing a few beers can't handle" I say

"But I had some good seniors tho, they take you out and get you so drunk you don't remember anything in the morning" I say as he nods

We pull up to his house as he gets out

"Hey man since the parties not going on a bunch of us were just gonna drive around if you want to join" I say

"Do you think that's a good idea?" He asks

"Yeah man after they get you they give you a few days to rest. And it would be good to show up and let them know that it doesn't bother you." I say

"Yeah alright sure, thanks for the ride man" he says as I nod as he walks into his house

I drive to my house and start to get ready and wait for Wooderson to come pick me up

1976 (dazed and confused)Where stories live. Discover now