Why can't he just leave me alone?

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He's here?

Why is he here?

"Shelby Marie Pickford! How have you been?" He says

Is he serious?

"Are you fucking serious? Why are you here?" I ask obviously angry

"Oh wow! You know Shelbs that's not a nice way to greet people." He says

"Since when do you consider yourself human?" I ask

"You know what's gotten into you? You literally stood up for yourself back there and let's just say you've never done that." He says

"Well I've come a long way, I've decided that I'm not gonna let you get to me." I say standing my ground, on the inside I'm terrified but I can't let him see that.

"You know I don't understand what you see in Floyd. You guys will never have what we had." He says smirking.

Alright that's it!

"We'll never have what you and I had, ARE YOU KIDDING ME! What we had was torture, you were so toxic! You were great in the beginning but then when your dad started to get angry and yell at you and pick fights with you, you would take all the anger that you built up out on me when I just tried to help you. YOU HIT ME FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. That is def not something a boyfriend does. Especially a boyfriend that loves his girlfriend, but that is something you never did." I say yelling kind of surprised that no one is even looking over here. But there is literally no one around this area.

"Bullshit I did love you!" He says

"Oh that is major bullshit and you know it! You loved being seen with me, you loved making all the girls jealous so they would throw themselves on you and then you would go and fuck them later. Don't think I don't know." I say

"Oh and your sure Pink wouldn't do that to you. He's a heartthrob girls throw themselves on him all the time you really think he won't give in." He says and I just look at him in disgust.

"Because I know he won't, you know what you don't know him at all. He is the sweetest person ever known to man. He would never do that EVER!" I say

"I SWEAR WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream the tears building up.

"Because I'm not stopping until I get you back." He says and that's when the tears fall.

"Oh my god! I don't want you back, I will never want you back why can't you just see that?" I say

He says nothing and just grabs my arm with a tight grip.

"Let go!" I say but his grip just gets tighter

"I SAID LET GO!" I say but he still doesn't and that's when I snap

Without hesitation I do something I've wanted to do for a long time

I punch him in the face

He stumbles back looking more angry then ever.

"Alright Shelby you are lucky that we are in a public area and there is people around so I'm not gonna do anything and just go" he says as he walks away

But before he gets far he says three words that sends chills down my spine

"I'll be back" and he's gone

What the fuck just happened?

The tears start falling

"Shelbs?" I hear Jodi's voice say

"Jodi" I look at her and just hug her

"Woah what happened?" She asks

"Who do you think?" I say

"What the hell was he doing here?" She asks furious

"He came here to tell me why I stood up for myself when he got his paint job, he said he doesn't understand why I'm with Pink, he said something that made me snap and I talked about how he didn't love me and then he said he did love me, and that's bullshit cause he cheated on me we all know it, but then he said that Pink is no angel and will do the same thing cause he's the heartthrob and girls will throw themselves at him and he'll give in, I told him he would never do that, and then he was saying how he won't stop until he gets me back, and then I yell at him to leave me alone, then he just grabs my arm and tightens his grip the more I tell him to stop, but when he wouldn't let go I punched him in the face-"

"Holy shit!" Jodi cuts me off

"I know" I chuckle a little bit

"But then he said "I'll be back" I finish while Jodi looks like she's seen a ghost

"What could he mean by that?" Jodi asks

"I don't know and I don't wanna know" I say

"Why can't he just leave me alone?" I ask tears welling up in my eyes

"I don't know babe I really don't know, but what I do know is that none of us is going to let him get near you again, and I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner and I'm sorry none of us came to your rescue, I'm really surprised that none of us heard all that." She says

"It's ok" I say

"But seriously we'll be on the look out, we all love you and we're all gonna protect you and we'll do that for anyone in the group cause we all love each other" She says as I pull her in for a hug

"Thanks Jodi" I say as I hug her

"Are you gonna tell Pink?" She says as we pull away

I shake my head "No no no I can't tell him, he'll freak out and try to find O'Bannion and he has a lot to deal with already I can't" I say

"But he deserves to know that his girlfriend was just threatened by her ex let alone touched by him!" She says

"I can't do it Jodi, I can't" I say

Before she can say anything I say "And you can't tell him either, and you can't tell anyone in the group not even Kevin cause Kevin will do much worse" I say

She looks at me for a minute before she nods her head "Ok I won't tell them" she says as I thank her

We start to walk back as thoughts fill my head

She won't tell Pink right? Cause if she does then word is gonna get around and create big problems

O'Bannion won't follow through with what he said will he? I hope not I don't wanna know what he'll do and I don't wanna find out

But most importantly Pink won't cheat on me will he? I mean sure he is a heartthrob and girls do love him me being one of those girls, but he's a sweetheart he would never break a girls heart.

But looks can be deceiving

But that doesn't mean anything

Does it?

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